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Trip to China
August 5  Gotcha Day!  August 7  August 8  August 9  August 10  August 11  August 12  August 13  August 14  August 15  August 16

Jeff and I will both be embarking on this faithful 2 week journey to China. Our boys will remain home in the loving care of friends and family.


Friday Aug 3rd: Leave for China

Saturday Aug 4th: On airplane

Sunday Aug 5th: All families arrive in Guangzhou, China

Monday Aug 6th: GOTCHA DAY!!

Tuesday Aug 7th: Adoption paperwork

Wednesday Aug 8th: Apply for Lucy’s passport

Thursday Aug 9th: Hopefully take boat to Hong Kong

Friday Aug 10th: Sightseeing: Yuexiu Park and Chen Clan Temple

Saturday Aug 11th: Sightseeing: Guangzhou Zoo

Sunday Aug 12th: Free Day----Jeff flies home

Monday Aug 13th: Sightseeing: Baiyun Mountain----Jeff arrives home

Tuesday Aug 14th: Free Day

Wednesday Aug 15th: Lucy’s medical exams and ACS paperwork

Thursday Aug 16th: ACS appointment and Farewell Dinner

Friday Aug 17th: Take Oath and get Lucy’s Visa---Leave China

Saturday Aug 18th: LUCY COMES HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

“The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.”
~Psalm 126:3

These are the 25 pairs of shoes that Robeez donated for us
to take to Lucy’s Orphanage in China. Thanks Robeez!!

Here is a picture of the outside gate to Lucy’s orphanage.
From what others have said, the orphanage is pretty poor,
but the nannies that work there take such good care of the babies!

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