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Trip to China
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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Can you say hot? Holy Cow it was hot today! The humidity was at 95%. If you want to experience what did, here’s what you gotta do: Get a stair master, a 20lb sack of potatoes warmed to about 98 degrees, a few strangers and be fully dressed. Go into the sauna carrying the potatoes and start stepping on the stair master. Invite the strangers in with you so that they can stare and point within close proximity. Voila! You’re in China! Why the stair master? Because there are steps everywhere here and not just a few. We are casually told, “Go up those 100 steps to see such and such and after you come down, go up those 60 stairs over there to see the yada yada.” I am tempted to start grabbing butts over here to see if the locals have “buns of steel.”

We went to the zoo today. My favorite part was not the panda, although we did get to see one. It was the fishing area. There were little wading pools filled with goldfish. The parents would pay money so that their kids could strip down and climb into the water with big plastic bowls. Whatever was caught could be kept. If Cade and Coby were here, I definitely would have let them try. Heck, I kinda wanted to climb in, especially considering the heat.

Lucy is doing great. We get lots of smiles now and she is eating well. Where once she didn’t want to be touched, she now clings to us and screams if we are out of sight. That makes things like taking a shower a little more challenging but it is a good sign that she is bonding. Jeff just left to go to the airport and head for home. I am hoping that this does not cause any setbacks for Lucy because she is definitely enamored with her daddy. I do think it is what’s best for our boys. Tomorrow we are off to the orphanage, three hours each way on the bus. I don’t remember who asked, but am I going to do my best to get a picture of your little Jiang Cheng Cai and post it. I promise!
Cade and Coby,

Daddy is on his way home to you!! Yeah! I know that he has missed you both tons and tons, just like I am missing you now. You both are so smart. It was a rat I was thinking of. Do you know why? Because daddy and I saw a HUGE one here, as big as a cat. We were on our bus looking out the window and we saw it scurry out from under the garbage to beneath a cart. Yuck! Tonight I am thinking of an animal that is bigger than all the other land animals and is often found at the zoo. Can’t wait for your guesses. Of all the boys in all the world, you two are my FAVORITE! Love you!

Lucy modeling the latest Asian baby fashions

Lost in translation

Baby bait

A little relief from the heat

Saying goodbye to daddy

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