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About Lucy

What an amazing miracle God has bestowed upon our family! We received the call at 12:41pm on June 6, 2007. The best part was that Lucy’s future Godmother Kellie was the one blessing us with the good news.

Here is what we know:

Chinese Name: Jiang Cheng Xian (pronounced Gwan tsing sen.)

Jiang is her last name and represents the city where she lives. Cheng is her first name and means honest/sincere. Xian, her middle name, means fresh/bright. From what we have seen, all the girls referred from this Social Welfare Institute have names that begin with Jiang Cheng. Only the middle name is unique. That is why it is the only part we are keeping. Also, our previously chosen middle name, Claire, means bright, the same as Xian. Coincidence? I don’t think so!

Lucy was born August 28, 2006 (year of the dog) which makes her almost 10 months old. Her measurements were taken at seven months. At that time she weighed about 16lbs and was 67 centimeters long. She currently resides at the Yanjiang, Jiangcheng District Welfare Institute in the Province of Guangdong. Simply put, she is in an orphanage in southern China.

Very little of the paperwork has been translated for us. What we have been told about her so far is that she is healthy. She is a heavy sleeper but active and restless during the day. Also, she sleeps with her fingers in her mouth. She can roll over and crawl. She smiles readily. As far as we are concerned, she is PERFECT! Our hearts are overflowing with love.

As more information becomes available to us, we will continue to keep you updated. Please keep our sweet Lucy in your prayers.

Her name is Lucy because it is the one name Cade, Coby, Jeff and I could all agree on.

Her middle name is Claire in honor of St. Clare of Assissi and to emphasize the importance of our Catholic faith.

Together Lucy Claire means bright light.

She is a gift from God.

“And whoever welcomes
a little child like this in my name,
welcomes me.”

~Jesus Christ (Mathew 18:5)

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