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We're Home
August 2007  |  September 2007  |  October 2007  |  November 2007  |  January 2008  |  December 2008

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lucy was amazing on the flight home. She slept most of the time and was very content to sit in my lap when she was awake. On each flight, the person I sat next to fell in love with Lucy. That certainly helped the situation and helped to entertain LuLu. I looked like a pack mule tromping through the airports with Lucy strapped to my front, my filled backpack behind me, and a couple of carry-ons in each hand. We had a wonderful surprise in Chicago. Thinking I still had one more flight ahead of me, I received a call at the gate. Jeff and the boys had driven up to greet us and were driving us home. To say that I was overwhelmed with joy at having our family finally united would be an understatement. I couldn’t stop crying at the sight of my three children together. Jeff packed the car with a cooler full of some of my favorite foods so that I wouldn’t have to wait until reaching home to ‘dig in.’ How lucky am I?

The first two days are a blur. After having gone at least 48 hours with no sleep, I slept 24! Lucy has been having a rough time adjusting to the time change. Last night she slept from 9pm until midnight. That was all. I thought about asking God to let her sleep just a little longer but I figured that he already gave me my miracle. I should let him focus his attention on getting another baby home to her family rather than trying to get mine to sleep.

The boys love Lucy and she thinks they’re the greatest. Lucy and daddy have rekindled their bond too. Lucy is not to sure about our dog. She definitely will not tolerate any kisses from her. The cat is a little more acceptable.

Lucy’s face has broken out in a pretty bad rash since we have been home. It is so hard to tell what could be causing it with the exposure to so many new things. The doctor thinks it is likely the American formula we switched her to. He said to give it a week and if the rash doesn’t clear, we are going to try soy. I have been holding off on introducing any other new foods so we can rule that out.

Cade had his first day of kindergarten and his first day of karate since we’ve been home. He is loving both. Coby will soon start preschool and soccer. Lucy and I begin our “mommy and me” class at the Little Gym on Friday. Jeff continues to work hard everyday both at the office and at home. I am loving life! I will try to update this site on a monthly basis. Keep checking back!

God Bless.

“Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still, miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart, but in it.”

~Fleur Conkling Heylinger

Making sure I recognize my brothers

We'll only sit together for a treat

Bubba knows the way to my heart

Bath time!

Changing diapers is a team effort

Mommy with her babies

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