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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It is time to say goodbye. This will be our last post. I am very thankful to Jennifer and Joe for doing such a beautiful job with this website. It is something we will treasure always.

Lucy is now almost 28 months. She loves baby dolls, tea parties and anything girly! She is still taking classes at the Little Gym and has become quite the little gymnast. Thanks Cha Cha! Lucy still often clings to me and has to have someone lay next to her while she falls asleep. However, she is demonstrating a lot more independence in environments where she feels comfortable. She has come to love our cat and dog but her favorite animal is…THE RAT! How that happened I don’t know. It started with a little Minnie Mouse being the first soft thing she would latch onto. Then one day she saw a stuffed white Webkin rat that she had to have. Now there are two stuffed white rats accompanying her to bed every night.

Lucy is very healthy but still a little peanut! Most pants that fit her length, fall straight off her. Doctors still say that she is hyperflexible, not necessarily a bad thing. The biggest news is that we have discovered that Lucy has unilateral hearing loss in her right ear. The left ear seems to compensate and Lucy definitely understands what we say to her. She may require some amplification once she starts school. She also has a bit of a speech delay which may or may not be related. We are now seeing an early childhood interventionist once a week which seems to be helping. We have also taught Lucy sign language which she is amazing at! The boys love learning the signs too! It is something that has actually brought us all closer together.

LuLu has the most amazing personality. She is sweet and caring when she sees someone upset. She is a dramatic Diva when she is upset. She is a big time tease but most of all, she is our little Princess. Lucy likes for everything to be neat and in its place. For anyone that knows me, they then know that I am the exact opposite. She has proven to be a great little mommy’s helper, unloading the dishwasher (even when it is full of dirty dishes), carrying folded laundry upstairs (which then ends up being laundry crumpled in a ball) and my personal favorite: dropping one of my books on my head in the morning (while I am still sleeping) b/c I didn’t put it away properly the night before. She does all this with a big proud smile that is impossible to be upset with.

So what does Lucy’s future hold? The first is a trip to Florida and the beach. Lucy did not like the sandbox over the summer, too messy. It will be interesting to see what she thinks of the giant one along the ocean. I planned on waiting another year and a half to send Lucy to preschool since her birthdate just misses the cutoff. However, her early childhood specialist and her social worker think that she will benefit from the public school’s special needs integrated preschool program. If she gets accepted, she will likely attend preschool for 3 years rather than the usual 2. After that, she is off to Catholic School with her brothers. I have already started calling her Sister Lucy to prepare her for her career as a Nun. Although, I am sure that as soon as her speech catches up, she will put an end to that idea of mine.

In closing, I’d just like to say how truly grateful Jeff and I are to our friends and family for all their support. Every time I see Lucy surrounded by loved ones, I give thanks to God for the outpouring of love she has received. In return, I can’t begin to tell you the numbers of smiles she has put on others’ faces, both loved ones and perfect strangers. She is truly an angel sent to us from heaven. She along with her two wonderful and amazing brothers, Cade and Coby have blessed Jeff’s and my life beyond our wildest dreams. Having been fulfilled by God’s good Graces, our Adoption Journey now comes to an end while the love for our Lord and our family continues to grow evermore.

From 8 months to 2 years

From dog hater to dog lover!

From Sweet to Sassy!

Daddy's Girl

We have so much to be thankful for!

Bye Bye Everyone!

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