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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

December was a whirlwind of a month with lots of celebrations. Cade turned 6 and was thrilled to have his first guy slumber party. On the actual birth date we were enjoying a nice family getaway at Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, West Virginia. Every inch of the place is decorated for Christmas. It is as though the Christmas fairy threw-up on the place, but in a good way! Overall, we had 5 wonderful Christmas celebrations with friends and family. We are so lucky to be surrounded by such an expanse of loved ones and it only reminds more or how great the sacrifice is that Jesus made for us so we may all know and share in God’s unending love. Although I really wanted the birth of Christ to be the focus of this holiday season for our children, it is just not the same without Santa. Lucy had three encounters with the “big guy”. The first two entailed screaming and the third was like “Oh no, not this funny looking guy again!” However, Lucy did enjoy ripping open the presents and could not comprehend the idea of waiting her turn. At the end of it all there was mountain of gifts and which do you think was her favorite? A little pink flowered hairbrush. As soon as she opened it, she immediately began brushing her hair, then her brother’s, then mine but ran into a little problem when she went to brush her daddy’s shaved head. By the time Christmas morning rolled around, Lucy was feeling a little under the weather from all the partying and wasn’t too interested in opening presents. It was disappointing but luckily the boys had enough enthusiasm for everyone.

About 2 weeks before Christmas, Lucy began walking. She just toddles all over the place and doesn’t care one bit how often she falls. Because she is not talking a whole lot, we started teaching her some signs. I am amazed at how quickly she has picked up on them. Lucy also loves looking at her own picture. I show her this website nearly everyday and she becomes very excited, pointing to the picture and then back at herself, saying “cy” (the second half of Lu-cy). Her pickiness that I mentioned in the last update doesn’t’ seem to be just a short phase b/c she grows pickier by the day. Yet, she has never said “no” to a cookie! Every day with these three wonderful children comes with smiles, laughter, and usually a good story to report. Still, we are a normal family. We have our share of yelling, crying and hair pulling, nothing a good nap and a cookie can’t cure.

New Year’s was such a blast! The parents of very good friends of ours host a party every year geared for both young children and adults. This year was a 50’s theme. There was a piñata, karaoke, yummy food, make your own Sunday bar, noise makers and tons of confetti. All the kids made it until midnight!

We are looking forward to creating a lot of wonderful new memories in 2008. The kids will continue with Little Gym classes and start swimming classes in about a month. We also have a vacation planned for sunny California. The boys are most excited about their first plane rides. Lucy, on the other hand, is more excited about all the new spring fashion lines coming out already! Until next time…

Our family wishes yours a Blessed New Year!

Christmas at Papa and Grandma’s

All Bundled up!

Ready for another party and more presents!

Stylin’ new clothes

You can never have too many accessories

Happy New Year from
Becky, Jeff, Cade, Coby and Lucy!!

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