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We're Home
August 2007  |  September 2007  |  October 2007  |  November 2007  |  January 2008  |  December 2008

Friday, November 30, 2007

Lucy has been home for over 3 months now. I missed the deadline because I wanted to squeeze in her first Thanksgiving. God knows we have a lot to be thankful for. Lucy was thankful for the sweet potatoes and cranberry jello!!

There have been so many firsts in the last month. Lucy’s first Halloween and Thanksgiving, her first sippy cup of whole milk, her first steps… She has also become quite the jokester. She loves getting a reaction out of people and can totally crack herself up. She also feels comfortable enough with us now to show her temper. And let me tell you, SHE HAS GOT A TEMPER! She babbles all the time and we are getting many more sounds from her, soon to be full words.

We had our wonderful social worker to the house for the 3 month post-adoption visit/report. That went great! We also had our three month check-up at the adoption clinic. Lucy did not show a great amount of growth like they were expecting. For now, they are assuming she is just going to remain a little peanut. Shopping for clothes is getting difficult. Her waist is at 3-6 months but she needs a 12-month length for her clothes. Plus, I have started putting her in 18 month tops. Lucy has gained much more muscle tone in her lower body. Her development at 15 months was at about 13 months. A big improvement there but the doctor still felt she should be measuring beyond her age. She suggested that I spend more time with Lucy on learning activities like shape sorters and stacking and such. We tried painting with her the other day and she loved it! I couldn’t believe how well she did at focusing on what was in front of her. Books are also becoming a favorite, as long as she has control of flipping the pages. Lucy must be feeling that she is getting enough food now because she has decided to be picky. This last week she has been rejecting all types of meat. Our dog is in seventh heaven, because Lucy throws whatever she doesn’t want to the begging puppy.

I am so excited about Lucy’s first Christmas. We already have the tree up. She leaves it alone except for one particular Santa ornament which she is fond of. Our family wants to wish everyone who has been following our journey a the Merriest of Christmases. Remember as you are waiting in those long store lines that “Jesus is the Reason for the Season!” Blessings to you all.

PS: I had to put the black and white photo on here because I found those Jamie Rae hats through this site.

Just take the picture and let me get my candy!

I like this costume better. It has a bow and jewelry.


Mommy thinks I look like a big girl in this pic.

First Steps

I ate everything on my tray, plus seconds and topped it off with pumpkin roll.

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