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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This month has flown by! Yet , it seems like forever ago that we were in China. Lucy has established her place in this family so well, it is like she has always been here. Cade and Coby are really great big brothers and they are always amused by Lucy’s antics. Two weeks after getting home, we celebrated Lucy’s first birthday with about 100 people at our house. Thank goodness, God blessed us with a beautiful day. Lucy was a total trouper with all those new faces and really enjoyed the festivities, especially the cake! The day before we had her baptized. She didn’t even flinch when Father Anselm put the water or oils on her. She was quite fascinated by him and would bend herself backwards to see what he was doing and then smile at him. He had a hard time keeping a straight face. So sweet!! That’s what Lucy is, she is just so sweet! I don’t think her full personality has come out yet. She is still quiet and somewhat reserved but I see a wild child bubbling up inside her.

I know that a part of her misses China and the people who cared for her. While she prefers Jeff and I, she will reach her hands out toward other Asian people and will even let them hold her. She really likes Chinese music too. The first time I played it, she became excited and was looking all over for where the music was coming from. I think she was hoping for some familiar faces. I wonder if they played music for the children at the orphanage. Her paperwork from China said that her favorite toy was a ball. At the time, I questioned the accuracy of any info they provided but she really does love balls. She is very good a rolling them back and forth and gets very excited at the Little Gym when the whole barrel of balls gets dumped out.

We went to see the adoption specialists and Lucy checked out very well. Per instructions, she is still on a bottle and formula. We are sticking with the regular formula. Her face rash comes and goes but has not been as bad as when she first came home. She loves to eat! The only two things we have found that she does not like are tomatoes and mashed potatoes. She even loves pickles like her big brothers. Her favorite food is still yogurt.

Lucy scored on the charts at a developmental age of 8-10 months. She was at 8 months for her fine motor skills but is continuously improving. Just last week she started using her thumb and forefinger to pick up small foods and feed herself. The only concern in Lucy’s check-up was her hips. The doctor thinks they are so flexible due to lack of muscle tone. We are hoping that it doesn’t end up being hip dysplasia. Only time will tell and it is not something we are overly worried about right now.

Lucy is a fabulous sleeper at night. She usually sleeps for 11 hours but only cat naps during the day. She is such a wonderful blessing to our family. I can’t remember ever being happier than I am right now. I am amused by peoples’ reactions when we are out together. I have been asked by three people how one of my children has white hair and the other has black. One little boy asked me if we “donated” Lucy. Too cute!! We have had nothing but positive responses and good wishes from others. Our family feels extremely grateful for everyone’s kindness and helpfulness. Most of all we are grateful to God for answering our prayers.

Looking pretty for my 1st mass.

Excited about being at the zoo!

Being a little sister is hard work!

Aren’t my big brothers handsome?

Hooray! I am ONE today!

Can it be my birthday everyday?

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