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Good Wishes Quilt

What is a 100 Good Wishes Quilt?

To welcome and celebrate a new life, there is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt. It is a custom to invite friends and family to contribute a patch of cloth with a wish for the baby. Part of the patch of cloth goes into the quilt for the baby, and the other part of the cloth can go into a scrapbook with the wish for the child. The quilt contains the luck, energy, and good wishes from all the families and friends who contributed a piece of fabric. The quilt is then passed down from generation to generation.

We are asking for all our friends and family to contribute a 10” X 10” piece of cloth that has some meaning to you. The fabric could be your favorite color, have your favorite animal imprinted on it, or be from an old garment. You choose. Include a small notecard or piece of paper with a wish, poem or special message for Lucy. Please mail it to our home or bring it by in person. If you don’t have our address, we can be emailed at rjschapel@yahoo.com.

Thank you so much for helping to make one of our wishes come true and for helping to create a special legacy for our daughter!

“We sometimes feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean,
but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”
~Mother Teresa

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