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Trip to China
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Monday, August 13, 2007

Lucy and I were playing on the floor last night and then all of a sudden she stopped and started looking all over the room. I know she suddenly realized her daddy was missing. She barely slept last night. Maybe she was afraid I would go missing too. I don’t know but she woke up screaming about every hour and a half. Then at 8am we went for a three hour bus ride to the orphanage. It was small and plain and HOT but the nannies were so sweet and wonderful. The truly loved these babies. We were not allowed to photo any of the orphans there but I got special permission to photo one. Jiang Cheng Jai. We found out the babies had never been taken outside. A whole year with no direct sunlight! I tried not to look at the other babies. I just didn’t think my heart could take it. There are 70 children in the orphanage and between 3 and 4 MILLION in all of China. Between 8 and 9,000 are adopted internationally. I was also taken to where Lucy was left and found at one day all. We are standing on her finding spot. I am grateful for her mother for giving her life and thankful for the person who found her and indebted to the nannies who loved little Lucy for her first year. I said a small prayer for all of them on that spot today.

Yes I have tried to local cuisine. The only thing I didn’t try was something made of lamb. I tried the fish with it’s head still on and the chicken tonight with it’s head on full display. I am also getting pretty good with chopsticks. The food has been wonderful and not even similar to Chinese food at home. I have not had one bite of rice since I’ve been here. And I’ve only eaten noodles a couple of times. I have not gotten sick from anything. (knock on wood) OH and uncle Erik. I am sure you are wanting an update on Lucy’s poops. We say that she is either pooping pearls or pooping the Pearl River.

Thank you all for all your replies in the guestbook. The first thing that I do when I get up in the morning is run over to the computer and see what my homelanders have to say. It really helps to keep my spirits up. So keep ‘em coming. Love to you all.

Hi boys! I had a tougher animal to guess this time. Grandma was right. I was thinking of the elephant. The one daddy and I saw at the zoo was taller than a giraffe. It was HUGE! I was going to include a picture of it for you but I have too many others to show today. Ask daddy, he’s bringing copies home. I am really glad all my boys will soon be together again and can’t wait for us girls to join you. You are just going to love your new little sister. She is a really good burper and will fit in with you both just fine. Today I am thinking of an animal that is small and slow and slimy. Email me your guesses. I love you both! Power to the People!

One of the few moments Lucy slept last night

"Ready to see my nannies"

Some of Lucy's nannies fawning over her

Lucy's crib--yes they sleep right on the wood

The finding spot

Jian Cheng Jai

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