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Trip to China
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hello all! We survived day two on our own. However, I can’t say that we’ve been on our own. The group has been amazing in taking us under their protective wings! Lucy slept great last night. We spent two hours doing paperwork this morning. It was all the dads b/c the moms had the babies up in the rooms. It was a little difficult keeping on top of things until Lucy finally fell asleep on the floor. The locals have been asking me if I have a husband or where’s the dad. They have no qualms about getting into your personal business. They also have issue with thumb sucking which is Lucy’s favorite thing. I have had several people pull her thumb out of her mouth, tell her “no no” and even one lady lecture me about how it is put in the newspapers here not to let your baby suck his/her fingers or thumbs. I told her we encourage it in the US and that it makes the babies smarter. I then walked away from her stunned face. I really do love this country and find it fascinating but I am getting over my the whole need to be polite to everyone. I went shopping with another couple in the group today and when a lady asked us about our relationship, I said that we were both his wives and he gets to take home two babies.

My dad asked how Lucy responded to the orphanage. To be honest, I was very nervous about taking her back there because the bonding process has been slower than I expected. I was afraid I would hand her over to the nannies and then she wouldn’t want to come back to me. The experience was really great. Lucy was so happy to see and be held by her nannies but even happier when put back in my arms. She didn’t get upset at any point.

My bad news for the day is that I dropped the camera. Sorry Jeff!!!! Juggling Lucy, the backpack, and the camera was more than I could handle. I can still take pics with it but not download them. The good news is that I’ve always hated this camera and have been wanting a new one. The bad news is that this is the worst possible timing. I will try to figure something out. In the meantime, I am posting previous pics thus far from our trip.

Cade and Coby,

A snail is right! I was thinking of a snail because time is starting to feel like it is going by very slowly, at a snail’s pace. I can’t wait to come home and for all of us to be together and eat dinner together around the kitchen table. I want for all of us to go to the park and you boys can help push your sister on the swing. There are so many things that you will be able to teach her. The animal I am thinking of today lays eggs that you can eat. Have fun with your daddy this week. Lucy and I love you!!

Our quilt is done! What an amazing gift!

Lucy and one of her nannies

My sweet baby

Lucy flirting with Max

I see that daddy

Dinner-I tried it and liked it

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