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Trip to China
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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! Yes, I admit it. There is such a thing as too much shopping. First we went to Shamian Island where they have lots of tiny stores set up along the streets and you have to haggle for all their wares. I like price tags better. We did have lunch at the famous Lucy’s. It’s really only famous to adoptive parents looking for a cheeseburger. Afterwards, we went to the 5th largest mall in the world. We found the cutest clothes for Lucy. And they were amazingly inexpensive. Lucy is doing better everyday. If I say kiss and pucker my lips, she will lean her forehead into me for her kiss. She is saying mama and dada more and she is starting to reach out for us. In the beginning, she didn’t want to be touched. You will notice in the pic that she still doesn’t want to be held when we feed her. We just put a hand behind her so she doesn’t fall back while drinking. Jeff leaves tomorrow for home and back to our boys. The other families here have all been so wonderful in offering to help out in any way they can while he is gone. We really did luck out and have made what I hope to be lifelong friends.

Cade and Coby,

Yep, I was thinking about the kangaroo. Have you seen a pic of me with Lucy in the front carrier? I feel just like a kangaroo with a baby in my pocket. Lucy thinks it’s very funny when I hop up and down. And don’t worry, daddy and I found some cool stuff for you boys today too while we were shopping. We think about you all the time and we tell Lucy all about her big brothers. Today I am thinking about an animal that rhymes with cat and has a skinny tail. Love you!

The shirt says it all

Do you think this hat is me?

Daddy and Lucy at Lucy's

Bottle time

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