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Trip to China
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Yesterday we were just acting as guardians for Lucy but today we are truly her parents. She slept great last night, as did we. I was hoping she would warm up to us more today but bonding is going slow. We are not discouraged as we expected this. It just pains me to see this beautiful gift from God who doesn’t know how to be loved. She seems most content alone in her crib. We heard her babble in there for the first time before her afternoon nap. It sounded like she was saying DaDa DaDa DaDa, which was very heartwarming.

All the babies went to the hospital today to be checked out because they are all feeling under the weather. A few were diagnosed with Bronchitis, including Lucy’s crib mate and crib neighbor. Lucy did not have a fever but the doctors said her throat was very red and recommended that we start her on the antibiotic we brought. They also said that she only weighs 18 lbs. We were expecting her to be bigger and most of the clothes we brought are too big. Oh well, I will use any excuse to shop.

Lucy has the longest eyelashes!! The are just gorgeous. And she has the cutest way of peeking at us through the corner of her eyes without actually turning her head toward us. She certainly has an ornery side which I am sure will be a real hoot once she comes out of her shell. The Dr appointment was on Shamian Island where most adoptive parents stay when they come to China.

After the appointment we bought Lucy her first 2 pairs of infamous “squeaky shoes”. Tomorrow we will be applying for Lucy’s passport and going to the Pearl and Jade markets. My final thought for the day is that it is impossible for me to think that God did not have a hand in this adoption. There are so many sweet beautiful babies in our group but I can not fathom bringing anyone of them home other than Lucy. I know in my heart that she was born into this world to be a part of our family. Now, if only I can convince her of that! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments and wishes. It is very nice to hear encouraging words from loved ones when we’re so far from home. God Bless!

Cade and Coby,

Good job! You guessed right. I was thinking of a panda. Daddy and mommy will get to see a real panda bear here at the zoo in 5 more days. Mommy sure misses you guys. Lucy doesn’t like my singing as much as you do. How’s Claire? Is she a good at singing the “goodnight song”? I can’t wait to hear all about animal day at the Little Gym. See if you can figure this one out. I am thinking of an animal that has red eyes. Mommy and Daddy love you!!

Daddy's girl

Lucy loves congee

Lucy's first of only 2 precious smiles

Do you like my bow?

Squeaky Clean

Thanks Jessica, Mary and Meghan
for all the great clothes!

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