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Trip to China
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Today was a great day!! Lucy was up at 6am and scared because the room was still dark and she didn’t know where she was. I made her a bottle but she still wanted nothing to do with it. Day 3 and she had not taken any bottles from us. I thought we were going to have another rough day. At breakfast we decided to try strawberry yogurt and she was totally digging it! We mixed in a little congee for sustenance and were happy to know that she was getting some form of nutrition. I finished eating before Jeff and took Lucy from her highchair. I lifted her up above my head and then heard the most amazing sound. She laughed!! I did it again and again, not caring if she might throw-up a congee-yogurt mix on me. I wanted to cry at that sweet sound but was afraid it would ruin the moment. Back at the room, Jeff got Lucy to wave at him. Later, Lucy drank half a bottle and then afterward she POOPED! The orphanage gave all the babies something to stop them up for the two hour van ride to the adoption center. About half of the parents, still had babies who hadn’t pooped yet by today. We adoptive parents have this code language we use. We don’t greet each other with hellos, we first say “has she pooped” or “did she take the bottle”.

As if all this weren’t enough already to warrant celebration, Lucy started crawling today!! Late this afternoon we took Lucy to apply for her passport and get her photo taken and we received our official adoption certificate. Then we went to the wholesale jade and pearl market. It was hot and crowded. I don’t know if we got any good deals but it certainly was an experience. Lucy is happily sleeping now and we are waiting for our Papa John’s pizza to be delivered to our room. Before falling asleep Lucy said to be sure and wish her Godmother a happy birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLIE!

Cade and Coby,

Yes, I was thinking of the red eyed tree frog. I was thinking of it because that’s what mommy kind of looks like when I don’t get enough sleep. Daddy and I are glad you have been having a good week. Do you know how many days until daddy gets home? It is getting closer. I showed Lucy that photo book today and she loves looking at your pictures. I just know she is going to think you two are the coolest big brothers ever!
I am thinking of an animal that you can cut in half and will still live. Email me your guesses. We read a whole book about this one Cade. Mommy and daddy love you boys! I hope you’re feeling better Cobers.

Lovely Lucy and Magnificent Magnolia

First Laugh

"My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades"

First time in pool

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