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Trip to China
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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Well we are back to square one with the bottle, but the smiles are increasing exponentially. Lucy was up bright and early at 6am. She had a bath with daddy which she thought was very fun. I think it felt a little safer than that big pool. We started the day off with some sightseeing at Yuexiu Park, the burial place for the first king of Guangzhou. It is all the equivalent of an outdoor retirement center. Only, the old folks here are movers and shakers! When we were told we were going to watch people do hacky sack, I thought it would be a bunch of teens. Nope, it was the Chinese AARPs! And they were good. They would kick the hacky sack to some of the men in our group who tried, in vain, not to be outdone by the “old folks” . At the other side of the park they were holding ballroom dance lessons. The people were divided by ability. I had such a blast watching! I think I might retire here! Our guide said that for entertainment the retirees will take their birds into restaurants for tea and then let the birds fight each other in one of the cages. After that they would go home and have lunch. I wondered if the losing bird would be the main entrée.

I know you want to hear more about Lucy but I am fascinated by the culture here. The people have been nothing but kind and welcoming to us. Lucy figured out how to pull herself to standing today. She was quite proud. She said Mama!!!!!!! Lucy has a unique way of crying that sounds like “eye knee” “Nan nan nan” I realized that the first part means auntie which is what they called their nannies. Another baby here does the same thing. But today she called out “mama” through her tears followed by her usual cry. I wasn’t sure if I heard it right but then she did it again later. My favorite thing is to watch Jeff with his daughter. I always knew that he was a great dad but he is so soft and gentle and patient with her, that it just warms my heart! And of course. Lucy just eats up his attention. I am a bit worried about how she will react when he leaves in a few days. Thank again for everyone who has been following along this journey. It is so fun for Jeff and I to read all of your responses. Keep them coming.

PS: I just found out that one of the babies had to go to the hospital tonight with labored breathing. Please keep her in your prayers.

Cade and Coby,

Yep, you guessed it. I was thinking of a worm. If mommy was a worm, then I could split myself in half. Half on me could be home with you boys right now and half of me could be here with your daddy and Lucy. Of course, if I was a worm, I don’t think you would want to kiss me good night, would you? As we get to know Lucy better, I see a lot of things that are similar to you boys. She’s got a big head like you Monk. Do you think she will have big brains like you too? Lucy is also very good at watching and noticing the things around her like you are. And Coby, Lucy feels better when I sing to her, like you do. And sometimes she whacks herself in the head to comfort herself, like you do too. She likes to dance like mommy and we all know that she looks just like her daddy but with more hair. OK, today I am thinking of an animal that has stripes and sharp teeth. What’s your guess? Mommy and daddy love you bunches!

Check out those eyelashes!

What more could a girl want

Chen Family Temple

Watch me crawl

Dressed and ready for a night on the town

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