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Trip to China
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Monday, August 6, 2007


It felt like 4 o’clock would never come today. We got on the bus at two to go to the grocery store to buy formula, diapers, and cereal and from there went to the adoption center. It was hot and chaotic in there amongst all the anxious parents. Five year old Max was the first to meet his Forever Family and started the tears rolling for the rest us. I can’t explain the feeling of having Lucy in my arms for the first time. My arms have ached to hold our daughter for so long and today they were literally filled with joy as were Jeff and I. We were informed that all the babies are sick and that Lucy is probably the worst but it is just a cold. She has not been a happy little girl. I can’t imagine not feeling well and then having to mourn the loss of her nanny amongst strangers. She sucks her thumb when she is upset and if she is really ticked off, she shoves both thumbs in her mouth. Too cute! On the bus ride back to the hotel, our little LuLu thought she might really try to get us back for taking her away from the only world she has ever known, by throwing up on mama. I told her “Nice try, but you’re stuck with us FOREVER!” When we got back to the room, Lucy and I shared a nice bath, which she hated. Then we got her dressed, which she hated. And now our Angel rests. Jeff and I are soo excited to watch this precious child transform over the coming weeks and learn to accept our abounding love! We would love to hear from here and will try to respond. It would be easiest for us if you used the guestbook on this website.

Cade and Coby,

You are Big Brothers!! In Chinese, GuGu means big brother. We just know that Lucy is going to love you both tons and tons, just like mommy and daddy do. Are you putting the stickers on the chart to count down the days until we come home? We are counting the days too until we can give you great big hugs and kisses. I am thinking of an animal that is Black and White and lives in China. Email us your guesses and we’ll tell you tomorrow if you’re right. We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lucy and her proud BaBa

Uncle Jimmy is how old today?

Sleeping Beauty

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