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Trip to China
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Sunday, August 5, 2007

We are in China!!

It was an extraordinarily long trip but we landed in Guangzhou at 6am this morning. Our hotel is gorgeous! Our guide is soo sweet. Her name is Elsie. What do you think about that Grandma? She wasn't too happy when I told her it was my grandma's name but I assured her older names were all the fashion in the US right now. I am soo tired. I don't think I have had more than 3 or 4 hours sleep in the last 36 hours. You would be proud of me Lori. I brought the rosary you gave me and have been practicing. We found a Catholic church close to the hotel but I couldn't talk Jeff into going to mass and hour after we arrived. I am sure we'll make it there sometime in the next 2 weeks. We are supposed to have dinner tonight with the other families. I am really excited to meet everyone. Tomorrow is Gotcha Day! We are supposed to go to the adoption center at 4pm. Be sure to check back in tomorrow for pics of Lucy with her Forever Family. Thank you everyone for all your help, your support, your friendship and your prayers. Jeff and I feel Blessed in soo many ways.

Cade and Coby,

Mommy and Daddy miss you both soo much! We are so proud of you both for being such big boys. Guess what kind of potato chips they had at the store? Seaweed Flavored!! Should we bring you back some to try? We love you Monk! We love you Cobers! Peace Out Dudes!

Lucy's hotel crib is ready and waiting

A few of our purchases at the 7-11

The Westin's gift to Lucy-A "Going Home Barbie"
with Caucasian mom and Asian baby

The view from our hotel room

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