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June 11, 2009  |  June 20, 2009  |  July 8, 2009  |  August 13, 2009  |  September 22, 2009  |  October 31, 2009  |  November 24, 2009  |  December 21, 2009  |  January 8, 2010  |  February 12, 2010  |  March 22, 2010  |
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Monday, December 21, 2009

We are overwhelmed with joy and excitement as we celebrate and enjoy every minute of the Holidays with sweet Abree!! What a blessing it is to have our precious Angel HOME for the Holidays!! We had a fantastic time at Gaga and Papa’s house for Thanksgiving. Abree LOVES turkey!!! She was able to eat as much as she wanted and she loved it! After Thanksgiving lunch, she went outdoors with Gaga for a true farm experience. She fed the goats, fed the chickens, petted Gaga’s favorite chicken (Prissy Missy), watched the turkeys, and gathered up eggs. I think she felt like a real farmer….. We all had a great family weekend together!

Decorating for Christmas has been so much fun this year! When I brought the first Christmas tree out of the box she covered her mouth and backed up in confusion. She watched me put the pieces of the tree together and when I plugged it in and all the beautiful lights came on, she smiled from ear to ear and said, “Wow! Pretty, Mommy!” She “helped” me decorate…one tree limb had 8 ornaments on it—so cute! She even has her own pretty little tree in her room. She keeps looking at all of the trees and smiling and saying, “Pretty!” I think she loves the Christmas decorations as much as her Mommy!!

Our first December adventure was on December 11th when we traveled to Arkansas to celebrate Abree’s friends, Tyler and Alex’s birthday. She was able to go skating for the first time and she LOVED it! She had many falls, but she would get right back up and skate some more. She’s a tough little girl! After the skating party, we spent the afternoon and evening at Aunt Cristi and Uncle Shawn’s house and Abree had a wonderful time playing with Aubree, Alex, Tyler and Sam!

On December 16th, we were overwhelmed with Christmas Spirit and we took the kids to meet Santa Claus… Abree actually liked him (no tears at all!). They took their picture with Santa and told him all of their wishes. Abree is hoping for “toys” for Christmas. That’s as specific as she gets.

On December 18th, Abree felt like such a big girl because she was able to go to Big Sister and Brother’s school Christmas party. She ate cake and cookies and joined in the fun! She loves to go to their school!

On December 19th, we headed off to Nanny’s house to have a Christmas celebration with Daddy’s family. Abree was the star of the show and received SO much attention! She was able to visit and spend time with Nanny, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Kenney, Uncle Mark, Aunt Melonie, Uncle Doug, Aunt Debbie, Sisters Ashlyn and Bria, Brothers Landen and Kaden and Cousins Heather, Jared, Emily, Jason, Jared, Devin, and Rachel. She was held by nearly everyone and stole all of their hearts! She enjoyed opening a few presents, one of which was a very special jungle quilt that Nanny made for her. It will be a precious keepsake!!

Tonight we went to the Yukon Festival of Lights, which put us in MORE of the Christmas spirit! The lights were beautiful and plentiful! There were areas that had dancing lights that would dance to the music in our car…the kids were AMAZED. We drove through parts of the Festival and saw so many beautiful Christmas displays and we even got out and walked through areas of the Festival which was so much fun! The weather was beautiful! We ended our evening with a trip to Braums for some sweet ice cream! What a wonderful night!!!

Abree is growing like crazy!!! She is 33.5 inches now—she has grown 3 inches since June! She is now at 10% on the growth chart for height and her weight is 23 pounds, which is also around 10% on the growth chart. Big girl!!! She is also talking like crazy!! She can speak in sentences and says about anything she wants to say. What a difference six months has made!!! She is also starting to count. She can count to 5 and with a little help she can make it all the way to 10. She has become the manners police in our house. If Kaden or anyone burps she will say, “What do you say, Kaden?” She also is the seat belt police—she looks around in the car and if you don’t have your seat belt on right away she will say “Buckle, Mommy.” She is so smart and sweet! I think the funniest moments are still when she sings and dances around like she’s in her own little world. When she finally realizes we are all watching her and laughing at her, she will burst into laughter. She is pure DELIGHT!!!!!

We cannot explain what an amazing blessing it has been to spend the Holiday Season with our precious baby girl! We cannot wait to see her on Christmas morning!!! We are looking forward to spending more time with family as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Abree's 1st Thanksgiving Dinner--she LOVES turkey!!

Feeding Gaga and Papa's Goats--So Fun!!

Petting Gaga's favorite chicken, Prissy Missy...

Collecting Eggs...A True Farm Experience!!!

1st time SKATING!! She had so much fun!

A fun day with friends Aubree, Alex, Tyler and Sam!!

Ready for Christmas!!!

Celebrating Christmas at Nanny's House--So Exciting!

1st Christmas Dinner at Nanny's House

Nanny made me a VERY special and beautiful quilt for Christmas!

A trip to the Yukon Festival of Lights--Beautiful!

Enjoying the lights in Yukon--We are READY for Christmas!!

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