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June 11, 2009  |  June 20, 2009  |  July 8, 2009  |  August 13, 2009  |  September 22, 2009  |  October 31, 2009  |  November 24, 2009  |  December 21, 2009  |  January 8, 2010  |  February 12, 2010  March 22, 2010  |
April 22, 2010  May 14, 2010  May 15, 2010  |  June 30, 2010

April 22, 2010

Another fantastic month has passed by! We cannot believe Abree has been home for 10 months. Time has gone by so quickly, yet it seems like she has been a part of our family forever. We have experienced a few more important “Firsts” with her this month: first circus, first Easter and first Adoption Day celebration.

We will begin with the circus. On March 26th, we had the joy of taking Abree to her first circus. It is tons of fun to watch her big, beautiful eyes take in SO much!! She was pointing and clapping and yelling with excitement! Before the circus, she was able to ride on a huge elephant with big sister and brother. She was not even scared! She also had the opportunity to meet lots of clowns. At first, she was a bit afraid of the clowns. Before the night was over, she warmed up to them and would play and be silly with them. What a wonderful night!!

For Daddy’s birthday, we asked the kids where we should celebrate, and of course they said, “Chuck-E-Cheese!” So, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese… We had so much fun celebrating Daddy’s birthday and Abree was actually excited to see Chuck-E-Cheese this time! She hugged him and took her 1st picture with him—it took lots of visits, but she finally did it!!

Our next first, was celebrating Abree’s first Easter. She was able to color and decorate Easter eggs with Kaden, Bria, Jake, Hayley and Grace. She did not quite understand what was going on. Before it was over, she had cracked every one of her colored eggs. All she has seen done with eggs before is cracking them and cooking them, so she was sure that that was what should be done with the Easter eggs—it was so cute!

On Saturday evening before Easter, we had an indoor flashlight egg hunt. The lights all went out and each kid was given a flashlight. They rush through the house hunting room by room for eggs. They loved it!

On Easter morning, Abree had a great time looking through her Easter basket. She got a new Elmo movie, a new mommy and baby for her dollhouse and lots of candy. At church, she had an egg hunt and after church she had another egg hunt at Aunt Julie and Uncle Bud’s house. She enjoyed yummy Easter lunch that Aunt Julie prepared and we had a wonderful family time together!

On April 16th, we had a very special visit from Abree’s friend, Kiana. We celebrated their first adoption day (a little late for Kiana and a little early for Abree). We found adorable pink outfits that say “My heart belongs to Africa” that the girls wore and we ate cake and opened presents. Abree and Kiana both received a new pair of gold Ghanaian earrings that were made for them by Mr. David Manison, our special Ghanaian American friend. Mrs. Angie Manison also made Jollof rice and shish-ka-bobs for us for our adoption celebration. What a special weekend!

Abree is still enjoying speech therapy with Mrs. Nita once a week. She is testing to see if she will qualify for services after her 3rd birthday next month. So far, it appears that she will not qualify because she is doing so well!! What a blessing!

We are praying for God’s direction in growing our family. We feel that God may not be done with us yet! We will continue to seek His guidance and follow His lead. Abree may be a BIG sister some day!!

First Circus--So Fun!!

First Elephant Ride...Brave Girl!

Finally Enough Courage to Hug Chuck-E-Cheese!

Happy Easter!

Coloring Eggs with Special Cousins

Proud of My Egg!

Looking at My Basket Goodies

Ready to go worship the RISEN Savior!

Egg Hunt at Aunt Julie's House

YAY!! Back Together Again!

Happy 1st Adoption Day, Abree & Kiana!

Hugging Good-Bye...So Sweet!

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