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Our Family

“She will fill our lives with sunshine….and our hearts with love.”

Our Dearest Sweet Abree,

We are overflowing with love for you, and we cannot begin to explain how happy we are that God has placed you in our family. You are such an amazing little girl and a blessing to us all! We are so excited to bring you home and shower you with love and kisses. Our hearts are so ready and open to you and we have prayed every day for your heart to be ready for us as well. We thank our Heavenly Father for you—our precious gift from God! With all the love in our hearts,

Mommy, Daddy, Ashlyn, Landen, Kaden, and Bria

Dear Abree,

I love you and I think about you. I pray for you and I want to always play with you and feed you. I will never ever let you go to the park without somebody. I will not let you go into the parking lot. I want to play dollies with you. I hope you come home soon.

Love, Bria

view our journey to Bria here

Dear Abree,

I love you Abree. You are the bestest one year old sister. I hope you will never get sick. I want to play noisy toys with you because you like noisy toys. I want to teach you to play soccer because you will be good at soccer. I want to swing with you on the swing set. I can’t wait until you come home. You look like you are going to be very nice. I have been praying for you and I love you.

Love, Kaden

I didn’t give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.

For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn’t give you
The gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you.
~Author Unknown

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