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About Sweet Abree

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.” ~James 1:17

On September 8th, 2008 we received “the call.” We were informed that sweet Abree whose picture we had been staring out for a few weeks was going to be OURS!! James called me while I was working, and I could not hold the tears back. We were overjoyed that God was going to bless us with another amazing daughter! I had truly felt a connection to her from the day I laid eyes on her precious picture on the Beacon House website. How amazing it is to see God work in our lives and hearts! We already love this sweet girl more than words could express!!

We are excited to share with you what we know about our precious Abree. She was born May 15, 2007 in a village in northern Ghana near Bolgatanga. She entered Beacon House on May 17, 2008 and was given the name Mina. On April 10, 2008 her biological mother passed away from a short illness leaving her and seven older siblings. Due to economic hardship her father, a peasant farmer, was unable to care for Abree who was malnourished and sick with malaria. He managed to get Abree to a local clinic, and he explained to them that he had no way to care for her. He was concerned that she too was not going to make it. They agreed to care for her and explained the long-term options to him. He lovingly chose to allow her to go to Beacon House to regain her health and then to proceed with international adoption. Praise God for Abree’s father choosing to give her life!! We will forever be grateful for that one huge selfless decision he had to make!

Abree is described as a very lovely girl who welcomes and loves to play with everyone. She is always smiling and can bring a smile to your face as well. She loves to eat and will listen when spoken to. In early September of 2008, the director of Beacon House described her as follows: she’s adorable, she has “hamster” cheeks, she does not crawl but rather scoots on her bottom, when she is hungry she cries, if she is wet she cries, if she poos she cries, she sleeps well through the night, she takes naps during the day, she eats well, she smiles a lot, she likes music and dancing!!! She has 6 teeth (4 up and 2 down) and she likes noisy toys. Sounds like she is going to fit right in with our family! God is so amazing to place this precious girl in our family!! We are truly overjoyed with yet another PERFECT addition to our family!!

We thank you all for your continued prayers throughout this amazing process, and we look forward to the day we are posting the We’re Home updates!

With abundant love in our hearts,
Angela and James
Abree’s Mommy & Daddy
Meaning of Abree—feminine of Abraham meaning mother of many nations.

Mae is a family name after her Nanny, Gloria Mae

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