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Trips to Ghana
October 31, 2008  |  November 1, 2008  |  April 5, 2009  |  April 6, 2009  |  April 7, 2009  |  April 8, 2009
April 9, 2009  |  April 10, 2009  |  May 31, 2009  |  Abree Day!  |  June 2  |  June 3  |  June 4  |  June 5

Click on the dates  above to view pictures and updates from our trips to Ghana.

Not flesh of my flesh, or bone of my bone, but still miraculously, my own. Don't you forget it--not even for a minute--that you weren't born under my heart, but in it.
~Fleur Conkling Heyliger


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