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Trips to Ghana
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April 6, 2009

What an amazing day! As I drove to Beacon House to meet you, I wondered how you would react to me. Would you want me to hold you, would you smile, would you laugh? You did all three and more! You are such a beautiful and amazing little girl. God has truly blessed our family again through the miracle of adoption.

You smiled shortly after I met you, and then it was as if you knew where you were supposed to be—right by my side. Maybe it was all the attention I was giving you, but I would like to think that it was God providing the special bonding between a father and his daughter.

I spent several hours at Beacon House this morning getting to know you and also gathering paperwork from the director of Beacon House, Romana. After gathering the necessary paperwork, I was off to the Embassy to file the paperwork. It was a very smooth experience. The people there were all so nice and very understanding as to why I was there. After filing the paperwork, I went back to Beacon House for more fun times with you.

When I arrived at Beacon House you were already in your pajamas getting ready for bed. I still had a little time to spend with you, so I got out the crayons and paper that mom sent with me to have you draw a picture. You love crayons, especially when they leave marks on the floor and daddy has to clean them off. Some of your friends also drew pictures for their families and I put them in my bag for safe-keeping. After drawing for a while, it was time for your bedtime snack. I discovered that you LOVE oranges. It was so fun to watch you eat it. You are very polite and always say thank you.

At bedtime, I was allowed to take you to the baby room and give you to one of your caregivers. I gave you a goodnight kiss and handed you to Faustina, who put you in bed. What a great first day!!!!!

My Precious Daughter

I fell in love immediately!!

My sweetie fell asleep on my lap.

Sound Asleep

You love smelling the yellow flowers.

Coloring a picture for Mommy

Such a big girl...No sippy cup for me!!!

I love Oranges...Yummy!!


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