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Trips to Ghana
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April 7, 2009

Today when I got to Beacon House, you were in the courtyard waiting for me. Faustina had you dressed in a really cute outfit. She must have known when I would get there, so she made sure you were ready. You gave me a great big smile the moment you saw me. It was so sweet!

This morning, I decided to have you try on some of the clothes that mom sent over for you. I am not sure that this was one of your favorite things to do, but I know you will grow to love it. After trying on clothes for a bit, it was time for your birthday party.

We had a small birthday party for you in the baby room. A couple of the caregivers were there along with a few of the children and babies. You had a lot of fun opening the presents that your brother Kaden and sister Bria sent over for you. You really liked tearing the paper into small pieces. After opening presents, we opened a box of cookies and had them for a snack. You had lots of fun sharing your cookies with your friends and feeding cookies to “your baby” Olivia. You loved wearing the birthday crown while we sang “Happy Birthday” to you. You looked so cute and you had a really great time.

Around noon, one of the workers said it was time for “chop chop”, which in your world means FOOD. After lunch you started getting really sleepy (maybe it was from all the cookies you ate before lunch…). You started falling asleep on my lap, so Faustina took you for your nap.

Once you were sound asleep taking your nap, I went back to the embassy to take another piece of paperwork that they needed. Again, it was an effortless trip.

After leaving the Embassy, I went back to Beacon House to spend some more time with you. You are a very sweet girl and so smart, too. You know how to say thank you, and come. You also sing songs. One of your favorites is “Joy, Joy, Joy, in my heart is singing.” You smile the whole time you are singing—you are such a happy girl! I love watching you interact with people. You get along so well with everyone.

I am sure that Friday is going to come way too soon….

My Birthday Party!!! A card from my family!!!

I know that I am beautiful!!!!!

At the market place for gifts and souvenirs.

I AM the Coolest!!!! Oh Yeah!!!

When they say "ChopChop", (Mealtime) Abree comes quickly.

Mommy, I love you!!! Nite nite...

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