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Trips to Ghana
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April 8, 2009

What a sweet girl! I would have never guessed in a minute that this was to be our mission in life. God is truly awesome with the blessings that He provides for us. I am amazed at how deeply I have fallen in love with you, our latest blessing from God. You truly grabbed my heart from the moment I saw your picture months ago, but really stole my heart the moment I held you for the first time.

Your brother and sister cannot wait to get you home either. Each one has different ideas of what games to play first and what toys to share. I have talked to them on the phone each night while I have been here and they keep asking me if I could please bring you home when I come on Friday.

Today a little boy took one of your toys away from you. You immediately looked for me and as soon as you found me, you came to me crying. I retrieved the toy and you were happy once again. Yeah!!! Daddy to the rescue. Soon after that you were asleep in my arms. What a sweet time together!

This evening we sat alone together on the edge of the trampoline, and as I was talking with you, you just sat on my lap and hugged me tightly. It was such a fun day getting to spend time with you. I can’t wait until tomorrow. Romana is allowing me to take you out for the day. I have a special Daddy/Daughter date planned for us. It will be our first.

Just think. In a few short weeks, your mom and I should be back to get you and take you home forever. That is what we are waiting for.

Beautiful girl!
But Daddy forgot to adjust the strap on my shirt.

Daddy, come here and let me show you something.

Vroom Vroom... Kaden I can play trucks, too.

Me and my Daddy

Clap, Clap for Mina. A song for me.

Dad, I think you are supposed to wear the flower here!

Daddy, he took my toy! Will you help me?

Thank you, Daddy. I am safe now.

All tuckered out. What a sweet girl!!!!!

I made a new friend. A fellow officer.

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