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Trips to Ghana
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April 9, 2009

Today as I got to Beacon House you met me in the courtyard with a large, cute smile on your face. You came to me immediately almost in a run. When you got to me you raised your arms up for me to hold you. You were so happy to see me, and I was so happy to see you. You are truly sooooooooo sweet.

I had a surprise for you today as I planned a lunch date for us. It was our first daddy/daughter date. First we went to Agape House and met Tom and Kathy. We played in the house for a while and then went with Bernard to get your passport photo. Your passport came in yesterday, but the birth date was wrong so we had to file for it again. When we got back to Agape House, we got ready for our lunch date. We went to a restaurant about 7 blocks from the guesthouse. We shared a lunch of fried chicken, fried rice, and steamed vegetables. You loved the chicken the best. You also liked drinking water from a big glass. The cold water took your breath away for a moment, but it did not stop you from drinking more.

After lunch, we went back to the guesthouse for your nap and for me to catch up on emailing home. I had lots of pictures to download and send to mommy. You wore the “I Love Mom” pajamas for your nap today, and you really look cute in them. To watch you sleep is what I would imagine an angel would look like floating on clouds. You sleep so peacefully.

For dinner tonight Kathy made a Mexican casserole of some kind. It was really good and you liked it a lot, but I think you liked the Ranch flavored Doritos the best. You wanted more, and I think you would have eaten them all night, but we had to quit. You had one of those looks on your face that asked, “who do you think you are taking my chips away?” So funny….

After dinner, we went back to Beacon House. We played some more with each other and the other children and before long it was time to say good night again. We did our ritual of sitting with each other until you started to fall asleep, and then I gave you to the house mom so you could go to bed. You were hugging my neck really tightly as if you wanted me to stay there also.

You truly are a tremendous blessing!

Ready for our 1st Daddy/Daughter date!

This chair is kind of big, huh dad? Is the food almost here?

I think I like cold water best!

Passport photo, less than fun!
Wait til you get your drivers license!

I love to take it off and put it on again! It's my game.

I am soooooooooo cute!!!

Why can't I wear it My way?

Like an Angel on a cloud.

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