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Trips to Ghana
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April 10, 2009

I arrived at Beacon House earlier than usual today so that I would have plenty of time to play with you before having to go to the airport. Some of the other children were playing with you and as I got out the camera, I got lots of poses. The children at Beacon House love to have their picture taken, and they really love to see themselves on the digital camera.

You are very outgoing and love playing with the other children. You also love the ladies that work at Beacon House. I am sure the workers have a void in their hearts each time they see a child leave the house.

Today I was able to feed you lunch. You are a wonderful eater. I let you try to feed yourself and you loved that, too. You did very well with both hands and preferred the right hand over the left. It was fun getting to interact with you this week in so many ways.

Again, time flew by and it was time to say good-bye but only for a short time. Since it was time for your nap, it was also a good time for me to leave and get packed for the trip home. It was so very hard for me to leave you there and come home. It was bittersweet. Bitter in the fact that I was going back to the states without you, but sweet in knowing that in about 24 hours I would be re-united with the rest of our family whom I have missed dearly.

As we were standing in the door of the baby room, I began to cry because of having to leave you there. You looked at me with this face of deep concern wondering what was going on. You reached up and wiped my tears with your hand. I think you were wondering why I had water running out of my eyes. It was so sweet of you…as if you were saying, “Daddy, it will be okay.”

As I left Beacon House I could only wonder how long it would actually be before Angela and I will get to come back over to take you HOME. My heart was tearing in two pieces. One of the hardest things I have ever done in life was to walk out of the gate at Beacon House and leave you there. God will provide the grace necessary to get through the next few weeks until we are reunited.

I love you, Abree!!!!!!!!!!

Divine was my cab driver and new friend.
He loves the Lord, too.

Spending our day together.

Daddy can make me smile.

Asleep on daddy's lap again.

Crocodile tears. Someone took a toy.

See, I Can do it by myself. Thanks, Dad.

Daddy wants to help, too. Less on the floor that way.

So tired. It is nap time.

Two of my very best friends.
They are like big sisters to me.

Back home again to share my experience
with the rest of my family.

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