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Trips to Ghana
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April 5, 2009

Yesterday, I got on a plane in Oklahoma City. After saying goodbye to your mom, brother and sister, I then started my journey to meet you and file some very necessary paperwork.

Today, I arrived in Accra, Ghana. Accra is a great big city in the southern most part of Ghana along the coast. There are several million people here. It has a beautiful countryside. As I was flying in I could see neighborhood after neighborhood. I wondered which one you were in.

When I got off the plane, my hostess, Kathy Newell and her driver, Kofi, met me.

They were wonderful people, full of smiles and kind words. They took me to their church where they were having Sunday services. After church, I went to the Agape House guesthouse where I stayed during the week. It is actually Tom and Kathy’s house with some extra rooms in it and more in the back. It is a very nice place to stay. I also got an opportunity to see some sights today from the drive we took through parts of Accra. It is a very busy city and the people here are so friendly.

After an excellent dinner it was time to say goodnight. I was very tired from the trip, and I wanted to be fresh for tomorrow when I get to meet you for the first time. I’m looking forward to filing the last piece of paperwork so we will be that much closer to bringing you home.

I am so excited that I’m not sure I will be able to sleep tonight. I cannot wait to meet you and hold you for the first time. Your mom met you in October and has told me how sweet you are. I am sure that she is right!!


The plane that took me to Ghana!

I was so happy to see this sign

Just before I landed in Ghana.

Welcome to Ghana

A typical roadside business.

The Ghanaian ADT Security system. Ouch!

A common site...selling fruit at roadside.

Ghanaian Police Station...Maybe I could get a job there.

The wonderful people that I stayed with.

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