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Trips to Ghana
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November 1, 2008

What another BLESSED day! We arrived at Beacon House at 9:00 this morning to pick up our precious girl! When we arrived, Faustina had dressed Abree in a little American shirt I had left at Beacon House yesterday….so very thoughtful of her. Sweet little Abree was a bit under the weather today with lots of congestion in her chest and a sad cough.

Soon after we left Beacon House and were on our way back to Heidi and George’s house, Abree fell asleep on my chest…my heart melted!! She is soooo cuddly—I LOVE IT! When we arrived at the house, Abree and Kiana played for a while and then we got the girls dressed to go shopping!! Yeah! We went to an open marketplace with Heidi, George and family, and then Kathy, Kiana, Abree and I ventured off in a taxi by ourselves to a few other shops. I bought lots of gifts for our little angel so we can give her a gift each year on her birthday that was purchased while in Ghana.

When we arrived back at the house, we ate some wonderful quiche. Abree ate and ate and ate! We tried to give her some apple juice, but she would not have any part of that! I poured out the apple juice and filled the same cup back up with water, but she was so afraid it still had apple juice in it she would not drink it…so funny! I finally got a completely different cup with water in it and she was fine with that. She’s a very smart girl! When she is done eating or drinking and you offer her another bite/drink, she will turn her head to the side to let you know she is finished. While she was eating, I would ask her “Is that good?” or “Do you like it?” and she would nod her head up and down to say yes. She drinks from a big girl cup—no sippy cups for her.

After lunch we played for a few more minutes and then she crawled up in my lap to cuddle. She eventually fell asleep and took a great nap. While she was sleeping I just sat and watched her…I cannot believe how blessed I am to be able to call this precious girl my own. I took pictures of her hands and feet while she was sleeping so we can remember how tiny they are.

We took some measurements today while at Heidi’s house. Little Abree weighs 14 pounds and is approximately 26 ½ inches. She wears size 4 shoes and size 9 month clothes. She is a tiny little angel.

After nap we played some more. She is so happy with just the simplest toys. She loves the stacking cups! She was a quiet girl these past two days, but I did hear her say a few words and make a few sounds: Dada, Mama, Tata, Gah and Bah. She loves to dance and to imitate others. She gave me precious kisses!!! When I puckered my lips and made the kissing sound, she would do the same. It was soooo sweet!!

Today she wanted me to hold her all day, so of course I held her all day and enjoyed every second of it! If I would put her down she would begin to cry, so I would scoop her up again and hold her tight. I love my baby girl!!!!

Soon it was getting late and we had to call for a taxi to take us back to Beacon House. We fed Abree some dinner while waiting on the taxi. With each passing minute my heart was breaking knowing my time with her was soon going to be over. My only hope is that we will be able to return very soon to bring her home!

The taxi finally arrived to take us back to Beacon House. While in the taxi I took out some Gerber Graduate banana puffs. She LOVED them!! She couldn’t eat them fast enough. At first she wanted me to put them in her mouth for her but after a few minutes she was doing it all by herself. She was so happy all evening and was really fun in the taxi on the way to Beacon House. I was trying so hard to enjoy the moment without thinking of what was about to happen.

When we arrived at Beacon House, Abree did so well. She went right to Lydia and had no tears at all. That helped me make it through the good-byes. She is so well cared for and loved by the Beacon House staff. It is obvious that she is very well attached to both Lydia and Faustina. They cannot say enough good things about her. The statement I heard from them the most was “She is a good girl. She never gives us any trouble.” I agree—she is a perfect girl…an amazing gift from God!!

Leaving Beacon House was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Only God can comfort the broken heart of a Mommy who has to leave her baby. I am so thankful that I was able to spend two wonderful days with my baby girl. We bonded so much more than I anticipated in such a short time. She is truly an amazing girl!! I pray that James and I will be back so very soon to bring our precious angel home!!!


She fell asleep in the car right after we left Beacon House. She is so precious!

Wow!! I am SO gorgeous!!

She loves to eat!

She would only drink water. We tried juice but she did not like it at all.

First time in a stroller. She did great!

Sleeping Beauty....so sweet!

She loved her new dress we bought while out shopping today!

Playing with her new toys from the African market

The face I would get if I tried to put her down...
AND how I felt when I had to leave...

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