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Trips to Ghana
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June 2, 2009

Today was a wonderful and relaxing day! We slept in until 8:30 and hung out in the room for about three hours just playing with our sweet baby girl. She loves sunglasses! We brought three different pair for her and she wanted to wear all three of them at once....it was so cute! She also loves toys that make noise. She pushes the same button over and over and over and then moves on to the next button and does the same thing.

After we played in the room, we left for the mall to eat lunch and do a little shopping. We ate chicken (which she cannot seem to get enough of) and drank Coke...she LOVED the Coke. She would get upset if we took it away from her...uh oh!

After shopping, we went back to the hotel and got ready for the beach. She enjoyed looking at the water and getting her feet wet, but the larger waves scared her a bit. After we went to the beach, we went swimming at the hotel swimming pool that is just beautiful. She REALLY enjoyed the pool. She was splashing and singing and splashing some more...it was so much fun!

Her personality has come alive today! She has been a bundle of JOY! She loves to play peek-a-boo. She loves for us to "get her" and tickle her. She loves to giggle!! It is the cutest thing!!! She loves to feed us. She loves to pinch our noses--but she doesn't like us to pinch her nose (sorry Bud...we've warned her that you will pinch it anyway!). She is such an amazing little girl!! We cannot wait to get her home to meet her big brothers and sisters and all of our family and friends.

We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We leave the hotel at 4:15am to go to the airport. We fly to Northern Ghana and will go to Abree's biological father's village and meet him and some of her other biological family members. We are really looking forward to meeting them, but we are a bit anxious about the entire day....but God is in control.

We are not sure if we will have access to the internet tomorrow, so we may not be posting tomorrow. We fly back to Accra Thursday morning and leave Friday morning for the US!

Ghana is a wonderful place full of wonderful people! They are all so happy yet they have so little. The reception by the local people who see us with Abree has been wonderful. The people here truly are amazing! We will miss Ghana when we leave but we are so extremely happy to have a wonderful piece of Ghana with us for the rest of our lives....our precious little Abree!

Sometimes one pair of sunglasses
is just not enough....

I am such a BLESSING!!

Happy Girl!

I LOVE Coke!

The Beautiful Ocean

Precious Girl!!

One Happy Mommy!

Daddy's Girl

Mommy's 1st Kiss...So Sweet!

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