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Trips to Ghana
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June 1, 2009

Wow!!! What a wonderful, incredible, amazing, AWESOME day!!! I don't believe adjectives can describe what a great, great day we had!!! We left for Beacon House at 7:30 this morning and arrived a little after 8:00. The trip seemed to take forever because we were SO excited to get there! When we walked in we were greeted warmly by lots of precious children...but Abree was not in that group. My heart was racing with excitement as we walked into the house and there was standing our PRECIOUS DAUGHTER! I immediately began to cry when I saw her. I picked her up and she did not seem to mind a bit--she was looking at me in wonder...likely wondering who I was or perhaps thinking "don't I know you from somewhere?" Our hearts were full of JOY!!! She quickly laid her sweet head on me and gave me one of the best hugs of my life! After I held her for a few minutes, it was Daddy's turn.

She went to Daddy without reservation and was holding on to his neck like she did not ever want to let go. Neither DO we want to let go and neither WILL we let go....she's ours FOREVER and we feel so incredibly blessed on this amazing day!!!

I was able to feed her breakfast...she had grits and seemed to like them quite well. We spent some time playing and hugging and holding her, and then it was time to begin the eye exams. James and I managed to hold her lots during the exams and played with her and her sweet friends. We performed 54 eye exams today and were very blessed to be able to help so many wonderful children and workers many of whom were in desperate need of glasses.

After we completed the eye exams, it was time for Abree's Beacon House exit prayer. Wow!!! This was amazing. The children and workers all gathered around in a circle with sweet Abree in the middle and they went around one-by-one and said a prayer for her...it was one of the most beautiful and touching sights I have EVER seen. It was unbelievable to see these incredible orphans praying for Abree to have "a wonderful life in America," "obey her mother and father," "bless her life," "guide her to be the person that You would have her to be," and many, many more heart-felt prayers of blessings to our sweet daughter. Many of the children and staff began to cry as they prayed for her. After the prayers, they went around one-by-one and held her and gave her good-bye hugs and kisses. It is SO obvious that she is SO very, very loved by all of Beacon House!

There were many tears as we left Beacon House, but Abree continued to hold on to me tightly...she seemed to be making sure we took her HOME this time! I held her close in the taxi and she quickly fell asleep on the way to the hotel. When we arrived at the hotel, we went to the hotel restaurant for dinner. She ate and ate!!! She loved the fried chicken! She is so funny when you give her a bite of something she does not care for--she would calmly pick it out of her mouth and hand it to us. One time she even tried to feed me the food she picked out of her mouth...so thoughtful of her! She tried orange pop at dinner and that was NOT her favorite....only water for this sweet girl!

After dinner we went to our room, played a while, and then gave her a bath (a first for us!). She seems a little reserved about things--I'm sure she knows some huge changes are happening and she is trying to deal with all of this in her own way. She has been very quiet this evening, but still very, very cuddly! She fell asleep while I held her and we have her in bed right between James and I so she will feel safe.

We look forward to a relaxing day tomorrow. We plan to take her to the beach and play in the sand and maybe take her swimming in the beautiful hotel pool. Thank you all so much for your prayers! We could not have asked for today to be any better! We have our precious baby girl in our arms...another amazing gift from God!!!!

Ours Forever...The Sweetest Hug!!!!!

Daddy was so happy to see his baby girl again!!

Our Beautiful Girl!!!

The Eye Exams

The Beacon House Exit Prayer

Happy Girls!

Abree's Best Friend at Beacon House

Not so sure I like this bath!

I am SO beautiful!!

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