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Trips to Ghana
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June 5, 2009

We are in the United States!! What a wonderful feeling to be “home!” Abree did so well on the flight today. We were in the air almost eleven hours. She ate, slept, colored, played and walked up and down the aisles (MANY times!!).

Our little sweetie tried ice cream on the plane for the first time since she’s been with us and she LOVED it! She was upset when it was gone.

While walking up and down the aisles with Abree, a church mission group from Georgia spotted us. They had just finished a two week mission trip at several orphanages in Ghana—Beacon House being one of those! They were at Beacon House last week and they had a carnival for the kids. When we were there this week we heard all about the carnival..the children played games and won prizes and had a wonderful time! These caring people remembered Abree well—they said she was the cuddly one and they are RIGHT! A few of them have pictures of Abree at the carnival that they are going to send to us, and one of the men in the group prayed a precious prayer for our family on the plane. What a blessing to meet another group of people that loved on Abree before she came home!

All went well at the airport here in New York, and Abree is officially an American citizen now!! We are in our hotel room ready to get some sleep and then fly the rest of the way home tomorrow.

We are so exited to get home to our friends and family! What a joy it will be to introduce this amazing girl to you all. She is truly a miracle…a tremendous blessing to our family! We thank you all for your prayers, comments and support throughout this journey. God has answered prayers and our baby girl is home! Our next update will be from Oklahoma! We can’t wait!

A Good Morning Kiss for Daddy

Saying Good-Bye to the Ocean

Checking In at the Airport!!!

Ready to Take Off!!

Playing peek-a-boo with the eye mask

I Love Ice Cream!

Having fun with the "balloon" the flight attendant gave her!

Is this flight EVER going to be over???

Taking time to feed her baby...SO precious!!

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