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Trips to Ghana
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June 4, 2009

Today has gone by so quickly! It was our last full day in Ghana.... We left early this morning from Tamale and flew back to Accra. Abree did great on the flight again--hopefully she will do just as good on the LONG flight tomorrow!

After we arrived in Accra we went shopping at a local outdoor market to pick up a few more gifts for Abree. She enjoyed the market so much more this time than she did when I took her in November. She couldn't walk then and now she is a great walker! She would walk around in the shops, pick up an item, take a look at it, and then set it back down if she was not too impressed. When she liked something, she would bring it over and hand it to me...I think shopping is in her blood!! We had fun together!

After shopping we returned to the hotel and ate lunch right down by the ocean. She of course ate chicken--she loves it! We also ordered her vegetable soup that she enjoyed except for the small pieces of cabbage that were in it. We would give her a bite with many different vegetables in it, and she would figure out which small pieces were cabbage and pull those pieces out of her mouth before she swallowed the bite. We would try to trick her and hide the small piece of cabbage under other vegetables and every time she would find it inside her mouth, pull it out and hand it to us. She is a smart girl!

After lunch we went swimming at the pool which she REALLY loved! She loves to splash and play in the water.

The rest of our evening has been packing our bags to come HOME!! We are very excited to get back home, but we are sad to be leaving Abree's birth country. The people here are so warm and friendly. Abree's personality is just the same! She is so much FUN! She loves for us to chase her and then she will run away giggling...it is precious! Kaden and Bria are going to have such a great time with her.

We leave in the morning and will arrive in New York tomorrow evening. We stay in New York tomorrow evening and then finish the trip to Oklahoma on Saturday. We are SO excited to introduce our precious angel to all of you. She is truly an amazing gift from God, and we will forever be thankful to Him for guiding us on this incredible journey!

Ready for another exciting day!

Abree and Bernard

Having so much fun shopping with Mom!

Taking a Shopping Break

Walking Along Chewing My Mike & Ike's

I love Swimming!!

Eating Lunch By the Ocean

I love my new puppy!

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