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March 22, 2010

We have had such a fun month! We celebrated Abree’s first Valentine’s Day by thanking God for giving us such a precious bundle of love!! Her heart is so beautiful and she truly overflows with LOVE!!

The weekend of February 20th, we celebrated Chinese New Year at a local Asian restaurant with Uncle Bud, Aunt Julie, Jake, Hayley and Grace. We ate fantastic food and the kids all received red envelopes containing money—a Chinese New Year tradition.

The following weekend, we went to GaGa and Papa’s house for a fast but fun visit. Abree LOVES all of GaGa’s animals and had so much fun helping take care of them. She especially likes to feed the goats, Peaches and Bandit.

On March 6th, Abree and Bria were able to go to a friend’s birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese. The girls had so much fun playing games and riding rides. Abree keeps getting closer and closer to Chuck-E-Cheese when he comes out to meet the kids. She likes him, but still likes to keep her distance from him…

On March 13th, we had a great time at Sesame Street Live! Abree LOVES LOVES LOVES Elmo!!!! She clapped and danced and smiled from ear to ear the entire show! At intermission, she almost started to cry because she thought the show was over. She said, “Abree want to watch more movie.” Once we convinced her that the show was going to come back, she was okay again. She ate her first snow cone and tried cotton candy for the first time—she loved them both! At first, when we tried to give her cotton candy, she looked at us like we were crazy—I think she thought we were trying to get her to eat cotton balls…so funny! Once she got a little taste, she couldn’t get enough of it!

For spring break, we went to Roaring River in Missouri with Aunt Jen, Uncle Josh, Aunt Julie, Uncle Bud, Jake, Hayley and Grace. We all stayed together in a big cabin, went trout fishing, and relaxed! We had a fantastic time!! Abree enjoyed fishing and would get so excited when someone caught a fish. She would giggle and jump around with joy.

After a few days at Roaring River, we went to the Gentry Arkansas Wildlife Safari. We drove through acres of land inhabited by all different wildlife species. After driving through the Safari, we went to their petting zoo. Abree was able to feed and pet goats, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lemurs, spider monkeys, an 8-week-old baby black bear, and a python. The highlight of our visit was taking a ride on a huge camel—so much fun!!

Our spring break ended with SNOW!! On March 21st, Spring arrived and brought us a beautiful snow! The kids loved it! Abree especially likes to eat the snow and throw snowballs.

We are so blessed by our precious angel! She is truly a gift from Heaven! She fits into our family like she has been with us from birth. We cannot imagine life without her! Due to illness, we were unable to celebrate Abree and Kiana’s first adoption day this month, so we have rescheduled for next month. We look forward to reuniting with Kiana and Maddy and having a special celebration! We also look forward to Abree’s first Easter and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Chinese New Year!

A Fun Trip to Tahlequah

Fun at Chuck-E-Cheese!

Sesame Street Live

I love cotton candy!

Fishing at Roaring River

So excited about the first fish!

Beautiful Girl!

Gentry Safari--So Fun!

Riding a camel--a first for ALL of us!

Spring SNOW!!

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