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Friday, January 8, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the most BLESSED family in the world!!!! Not only were we able to celebrate Abree’s first Christmas, but we were able to celebrate her first SNOW at the same time! Yes, we had a very WHITE Christmas—the first white Christmas in the Oklahoma City area in over twenty years! What a Blessing!!! We took her outside on Christmas Eve while the snow was falling and she just continued to say “Cold, Mommy!” as she shivered from head to toe, so we did not stay out long. She enjoyed watching out the window as the beautiful snow fell from the sky! She was intrigued!!

We were blessed to spend Christmas morning with Gaga, Papa, Aunt Jen, Uncle Josh, Aunt Julie, Uncle Bud and cousins Grace, Hayley and Jake. Abree was SO excited to see that Santa had stopped by for a visit and left her a fun kitchen set! She went from sleepy eyed to bright eyed within a matter of seconds when she caught a glimpse of her new kitchen set. After enjoying the gifts that Santa brought, we passed out gifts to the kids and they took turns opening presents. Abree received so many great gifts: a barn set, an Elmo shape sorter, a cash register, a teddy bear, play food and pots and pans for her new kitchen, lots of puzzles, and a jack in the box. It was so entertaining to watch her with the jack in the box. She is always a little jumpy and easily startled so we knew we would share lots of laughs with the jack in the box! She learned the little tune quickly and would turn the knob very slowly when it came to the part where he was about to pop out. No matter how slowly she turned the knob, she still jumped EVERY time—followed by big belly laughs! It was precious!!

We spent the afternoon playing with new toys and visiting with our precious family. Christmas evening we had traditional Christmas dinner of turkey and ham and lots of wonderful casseroles and side dishes….Abree was in Heaven! She LOVES to eat!!!! The day after Christmas we all went to a Japanese Steakhouse where they cook right at your table. Abree was so amazed at the big bursts of fire and all the “tricks” the chef performed. We all had a great time!

The weather here stayed very cold for several days, so we had lots of time to play in the snow and we did!!! In our neighborhood there is a hill that is tucked in a wooded area, and it’s a great location for sledding. We bundled up in layer after layer of clothing (Abree could hardly walk ) and spent LOTS of time at the snow hill….Abree could NOT get enough of it. She loved to sled, roll around in the snow, eat the snow, and throw snowballs at her brother and sister. We made lots of fun memories in the snow!

For New Year’s Eve we had Uncle Bud, Aunt Julie, Grace, Hayley and Jake over for a night of good food and fun games. We ALL stayed up until midnight to celebrate Abree’s first New Year at HOME!! What a blessing it is to have her in our arms to love and adore her for the entire year!!! We look forward to making so many more wonderful memories with her in 2010!!

First Snow...First Christmas! How PERFECT!!!!!

Santa brought me a Kitchen!!! I'm SO excited!!

This is SOOO Fun!!!!

I love opening presents!!

Watching her with the Jack in the box was TOO funny!

I got Daddy a tie from Ghana for Christmas...so special!

I love my Brother!!!

Playing Barbies with Aunt Jen and Big Sister Bria

A fun day playing in the SNOW!!

So much fun Sledding!

1st Family Portrait with Sweet Abree

So Precious, So Beautiful!!!!!

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