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June 11, 2009  |  June 20, 2009  |  July 8, 2009  August 13, 2009  |  September 22, 2009  |  October 31, 2009  |  November 24, 2009  |  December 21, 2009  |  January 8, 2010  |  February 12, 2010  |  March 22, 2010  |
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What a wonderful month we have had at home with our sweet angel! We have experienced so many “firsts” with her and have watched her learn to trust us and enjoy each and every moment.

Of course, we could not wait to introduce sweet Abree to the All-American Happy Meal. As you can see from the picture, she really enjoyed it! After eating up her french fries and chicken nuggets, she had a great time playing in the play area with Kaden, Bria, Grace, and Jake.

Abree’s next “first” this month was a fun trip to the zoo. We went with Cristi, Shawn, Tyler, Alex, and Aubree and we all had so much fun watching Abree take it all in. We rode the trolley through most of the zoo and Abree would point and “talk” about all of the animals. She had so much excitement in her big brown eyes! The zoo had a special dinosaur exhibit that we were able to go into, and the huge roaring dinosaurs scared her a little at first. She really enjoyed watching the monkeys and apes that were putting on quite a show for us. We all had such a great time!

On June 25th, Abree made her first visit to Frontier City amusement park. She rode the flying dragons, the train, and the carousel. She liked the flying dragons as long as they were not flying and the carousel as long as her horse did not go up and down. While we were there we went to a Bob the Builder show and she was able to meet Bob after the show. She liked him but did not want him to get too close. Overall, she had a great time, but we learned that she does like to keep her feet on the GROUND.

On June 27th, we were able to introduce Abree to my dad, her PeePop, and that entire side of our family. We had a family reunion and she met so many new family members. She had a wonderful time playing in the dirt with big sister Bria, coloring with cousin Stacey, eating lots of great food, and getting to know lots of precious family.

After the family reunion we spent a few days at Aunt Jen and Uncle Josh’s house. Abree was able to meet her Papa Billy while at their house. Uncle Bud, Aunt Julie, Jake, Hayley, Grace, and our entire family all packed in together at Aunt Jen and Uncle Josh’s house and we had a wonderful time! We set up a slip-n-slide in the back yard, had a cookout, and then the kids had a great time with sparklers. Abree was a bit apprehensive at first but then she wanted more and more and more sparklers. She loved them!

To complete our great weekend at Aunt Jen and Uncle Josh’s house, we went for a fun-filled day at Beaver Lake. We had such a relaxing time on their boat…swimming, tubing, feeding the fish from the dock, and enjoying God’s creation! Abree was able to ride the tube for the first time, and at the lightning speed of 1mph she loved it! Her favorite time was feeding the fish. We bought fish food and threw it off the dock to the huge carp below waiting for a tiny morsel to eat—it was so fun to watch her excitement!

On June 30th, our neighborhood had its annual 4th of July parade. We worked hard to decorate Kaden’s bike and the girls’ double stroller and we paraded throughout the neighborhood waving our American flags high. After the parade we enjoyed ice cream with all of our neighborhood friends and had a great time!

The 4th of July weekend was filled with fun! We were blessed with a visit from Nanny and Papa on Friday and Saturday. We had lots of fun playing with them. On Saturday evening we went to Uncle Bud and Aunt Julie’s house to swim and have fun with a few small fireworks. Abree really enjoyed watching the fireworks! That evening we went to a large fireworks display and she managed to fall asleep half way through it…the loud booms did not even make her budge!

On Sunday, July 5th we had a small family celebration for Bria’s 4th birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese. It was Abree’s first visit to Chuck-E-Cheese. She rode a few rides and played games with her big sister, Bria. Daddy took her to meet Chuck-E-Cheese and he really freaked her out. I do not think she had ever seen such a huge mouse! She finally warmed up to Chuck-E-Cheese and gave him a “high five.”

On July 7th, my precious coworkers at the VA gave Abree a welcome home party. She had a wonderful time eating cake and drinking punch. We had a great time after cake and punch watching her open all of her presents. We sat her in the middle of a big conference table and placed her presents around her. She opened them slowly and squealed with joy with each gift. She received lots of new toys, books and purses. What a blessing!

Abree has truly blossomed in this short month that she has been home. She has had a complete medical work-up that seemed to include every test known to man and she is a healthy girl! She is beginning to say so many words: Daddy, Mommy, Bria (Bee-uh), Kaden (Tay-dun), walk, drink (gink), chop-chop (dawp-dawp), hi, bye-bye, baby (bee-bee), puppy, Kami (Tam), candy (tandy), and so many more that we are still trying to interpret! She “talks” a lot! She is such a HAPPY girl…so full of joy! She loves, loves, loves to dance. As soon as she hears music she gets a grin from ear to ear and begins to dance around the room. She also LOVES toilet paper. We have gone into the bathroom a few times and found then entire roll heaped in a pile on the floor. One time she pulled the entire roll out and strung it throughout the house. Needless to say, we had to change the way we hang the toilet paper roll so that when she spins the roll it is now not as much fun anymore. She keeps us laughing!

She has integrated with Kaden and Bria perfectly. Kaden will let her do just about anything and get away with it. He just cannot get enough of her! She can take his toys, knock over his legos, scribble on his papers, ANYTHING—and he doesn’t get upset with her. It is precious! Bria has had to learn a few lessons in sharing and caring for baby sister, but she is picking up on it quickly. She still enjoys helping feed her and changing her diapers. Bria and Abree have learned to love their time together in the bathtub. They play and play and play!

From our family, friends, church family, coworkers, and neighbors EVERYONE is in love with precious Abree! She can steal a person’s heart in seconds! Her beautiful smile and amazing personality capture the hearts of all of us! We are so incredibly blessed with each moment we spend with her. Words cannot describe how grateful we are that God has brought her into our family. We love her beyond measure! She is pure JOY!!!!!

My First Happy Meal--Yummy!

First trip to the zoo...
the dinosaur exhibit scared me a little...

My first carousel ride...
I loved it until it started going up and down!

Playing in the dirt with big Sis...

My first sparkler...there were MANY more!

First trip to the lake...I LOVED it!

Feeding fish in the lake with Uncle Josh...so fun!

Neighborhood 4th of July Parade--Happy Girl!!

A fun 4th of July with Nanny & Papa!

Welcome Home Party at Mommy's Work

I LOVED all of my presents!

I unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper all by myself!

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