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We're Home
June 11, 2009  |  June 20, 2009  |  July 8, 2009  |  August 13, 2009  |  September 22, 2009  |  October 31, 2009  |  November 24, 2009  |  December 21, 2009  |  January 8, 2010  |  February 12, 2010  |  March 22, 2010  |
April 22, 2010  May 14, 2010  May 15, 2010  |  June 30, 2010

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Today we had Abree’s BIG party and we all had so much fun! Miss Abree was able to meet her Uncle Mark, Aunt Melanie, Uncle Doug, Aunt Debbie, Aunt Cristi, Uncle Shawn, Cousins Tyler, Alex, Aubree, Rachel, and Devin, and her adopted Grandma and Grandpa, Norma and Randy. Everyone is SO in love with this precious girl! She has such an amazing personality and can really light up a room!

Soon after Aunt Melanie arrived, Abree spotted her cute zebra flip-flops. Melanie was sitting on the couch visiting and Abree sat down, took off her tiny little white flip-flops, handed them to Aunt Melanie, and proceeded to take Melanie’s flip-flops off of her feet and placed them on her own tiny little feet. It was so cute!! She was very diplomatic and at least she traded with her rather than just stealing them from Aunt Melanie. Abree pranced around in the “way too big” flip-flops for quite some time. She was very proud of her “trade.”

After eating dinner, we watched a video of our journey to sweet Abree. It was a wonderful way to share Abree’s miraculous adoption process with our friends and family.

After the video, we let our precious girl open presents. Wow! She LOVES to open presents!! She wanted to open each gift and play with it for a while before we could get her to move on to the next gift. While we were in Africa we purchased several gifts for Abree, so we will be able to give her one gift each year on her birthday that is actually from Africa. This year we gave her an adorable African baby doll…or as she calls it a “be be.” We really enjoyed watching her soak up all of the attention and enjoy all of her new wonderful toys. She would squeal with excitement after opening each gift…it was joyful!

After opening and playing with each gift we sang Happy Birthday (she joined in on the singing) and then it was time to blow out the candles. We practiced a few times and she tried so very hard to get air to come out of her sweet little mouth, but it just would not come. She would make the blowing sound perfectly, but could not figure out how to get the air to come out along with the sound. I snuck in a big blow of air behind her and she was as proud as can be that she “blew” out her two candles. We clapped for her and she joined right in the clapping as well. She is SO cute!!!

We gave Abree the first piece of cake and she went to town on it! She dug in with both hands and ate it up quickly. She loved her first birthday cake!

What a wonderful day of celebration for our sweet baby girl! We are blessed beyond measure to have her in our family. She fits in so perfectly!! We cannot imagine life without this amazing child, and we will forever be grateful to our Heavenly Father for blessing us again through the miracle of adoption!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Abree!

Welcome Home Sweetheart!!

Mommy's BEAUTIFUL Girls...

I stole Aunt Melanie's shoes...so cute!

I really love opening presents!

My birthday gift from Africa..a "be be"

So much fun blowing out my candles!

Even more fun EATING the cake!

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