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Friday, October 31, 2009

Another special month has gone by with lots of memories made!! Our first very special memory was a trip to the Oklahoma County Courthouse on September 29th to complete Abree’s adoption and officially change her name. Judge Paddleford reviewed Abree’s case and confidently GRANTED the adoption!! It was an exciting and special final step in her adoption process….what a BLESSING!!!

On October 2nd, we went to visit Thomas the Tank Engine and Sir Topham Hatt at “A Day Out With Thomas.” The kids had a great time playing with toy trains, getting tattoos, jumping in a moon bounce, and meeting Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt. So much fun!

Our next adventure was to Grapevine, Texas to Great Wolf Lodge on October 15th and 16th. The kids had a FANTASTIC time playing in the water! Abree loved the kiddie area with slides and fountains! She also loved the wave pool and the lazy river. At first, she was a little scared of the slides, but once she watched big sister and brother go down several times, she decided to join in the fun! Once she got started, there was no stopping her…she could have stayed there forever!! They even got to go on a trick-or-treating adventure throughout the entire lodge which was so much fun!

From Great Wolf Lodge, we traveled further south to Austin to visit Abree’s special friend from Ghana, Kiana. Abree and Bria were so happy to see their best friends Kiana and Maddy! The girls played and played and played some more! We went to a pumpkin patch and Abree was able to ride a horse for the first time! She was very, very brave…she didn’t even cry!! We also went on a hayride, played on the playground, had our faces painted, went on a train ride, and of course picked out a pumpkin. Abree did not take long at all to pick out her pumpkin and she was so proud of her choice! We had a wonderful time and look forward to getting the girls back together soon!

For Halloween, Little Flower Abree, Bumblebee Bria, and Power Ranger Kaden got all dressed up to go to Frontier City to ride some fun rides. We spent a few hours riding rides and sightseeing all the fun costumes! Abree rode the flying dragons, the teacups, the pirate ship, and the kiddie roller coaster….she had a blast! After a short nap, we got all dressed up again to go trick-or-treating that evening with cousin Grace and big brother and sister. She really got into trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. She would even say, “trick-or-treat” which sounded more like “tick-or-tea.” She eventually had so much candy she was dragging her candy bag behind her. Towards the end of our trick-or-treating adventure, I told the bigger kids to go ahead to the next house by themselves and Abree would stay with me because she had sooo much candy. When she saw them going towards the next house, she wiggled right out of my hands and pulled her heavy candy bag straight up to the door to get yet another piece of candy. It was so cute!!!

Halloween will always hold a SPECIAL, SPECIAL place in my heart because a year ago on Halloween day is when I first met our precious baby girl! I will never forget the overwhelming feeling of love I had for sweet Abree when Lydia walked her through the door of the baby room at Beacon House. She was more beautiful and precious than I ever dreamed!! It still brings tears to my eyes just thinking about those special and amazing days in Ghana…holding her, staring at her, loving her, feeding her, bonding with her…what an amazing journey!!!

Abree’s vocabulary is exploding! She is saying too many words to keep up with! One of her cute little sayings right now is “I be right back, oh-tay.” When she says this, she holds up her little index finger and then runs away to do whatever she needs to do…so cute! When she wakes up in the mornings she says “Good morning, Kaden. (Dood Morna, Taden) Good morning, Bria (Bee-uh) Good morning, Daddy. Good morning, Mamma.” She has such wonderful manners—she thanks us for anything and everything! Even after complaining through a session of combing her hair, she will always thank us at the end. She is SO precious! She listens and obeys extremely well—we understand each day why the girls at the orphanage continued to stress to us what a good girl she is. She is amazingly good!!! She hardly ever cries or gets cranky—she has such a beautiful, gentle personality!

We have been working hard along with Abree’s Speech Pathologist to teach her the animal sounds. For several weeks, we have asked her what does a cow say, and she replies, “cow.” We had tried to teach her to recognize the animals for so long, that she did not understand what we were asking when we asked her what the animals say. Finally one day, it clicked, and she understood what we were asking and she replied with the appropriate animal sounds for cow (moo), horse (naaa), chicken (bah bah bah), duck (kak kak), dog (fuff fuff), and cat (neow neow) ALL in ONE day!! Soon after she learned the animal sounds, we were having chicken for dinner one night and the kids were taking turns praying before dinner. When it was Abree’s turn, she said lots of mumble words and at the end of her prayer she said, “chicken, bah bah bah, Amen.” She was thanking God for the chicken!! It was SOOOOO cute!!!!

We have also been working on recognizing colors. During speech therapy, Mrs. Nita will put out a blue basket, red basket and a yellow basket and numerous items that are blue, red, and yellow. Abree has to put the items into the correctly colored basket and she is awesome at it! She can match colors perfectly, but we are still working on naming the colors. She is doing so wonderful in such a short time!

She has gotten four new teeth since she has been home and she is growing and growing. She decided all by herself that it was time to start using the potty, and she has done AWESOME with potty training! She is even dry every day at naptime and almost every night as well. The first few weeks she had a few accidents, but we have been accident free for several days now—she is a very smart girl!!

We are SO very excited about the coming months with the holidays and a special trip to Disney World in November! We cannot wait to see the excitement on her face as she experiences the magic of Disney!! What a complete JOY it is to watch her as she enjoys so many fun “firsts!” We will never be able to thank our Heavenly Father enough for leading us on this miraculous journey to one of the biggest blessings of our lives…a precious, precious baby girl!!!!!

Judge Paddleford and our lawyer,
Jon Laasch after the re-adoption was granted!!

Happy Girl!! Adoption Final!!!!

Fun at A Day Out With Thomas
-- meeting Sir Topham Hatt

A Fun Trip to Great Wolf Lodge!!!

We Love This Place!!!!

I LOVE the water slides!

So happy to see my special friend, Kiana!

Special Sisters! Special Friends!

My 1st Pony Ride--I loved it!

A Wonderful Day at the Pumpkin Patch!!

So much fun riding the dragons at Frontier City!!

Happy Halloween!! Ready to go Trick-or-Treating!

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