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Wednesday, September 22, 2009

Another wonderful month has passed and Abree is growing and developing so quickly! She had an appointment with our pediatrician and she has grown one inch and gained almost two pounds since she has been home. She started speech therapy this month and she loves her therapist. She is saying new words every day and is trying to put two and three words together. We are so proud of her progress!!

We had many fun adventures this month! The first was a road trip to Arkansas to Abree’s friend Aubree’s birthday party. She was able to play with her friends Tyler, Alex, Aubree, Sam, and Maggie and had a wonderful time celebrating Aubree’s first birthday!

Our next adventure was to Lawton, Oklahoma to the Wichita Mountains and Wildlife Refuge. The kids had a great time climbing on the huge rocks and enjoying the beautiful view from the top of Mount Scott. After playing on the mountain, we went through the wildlife refuge and saw buffalo, longhorn steers, and our favorite—the prairie dogs!! Each of the kids got to feed the cute little “social” prairie dog in the picture—they were so excited!! After feeding the prairie dogs we went to eat at the famous Meer’s Restaurant where the kids enjoyed their first longhorn steer Meer’s burger—they were YUMMY and HUGE!!! Before leaving Lawton, we went to visit Abree’s adopted Grandma and Grandpa, Norma and Randy. It was a fantastic day!!

On August 26th, Bria and Kaden started school, which was quite a shock for sweet little Abree. She misses them so much when they are gone. Each day when we pick them up from school, she beams with excitement when she sees them in the pick-up line. She LOVES her big brother and sister!!

On August 27th, Abree started speech therapy with Mrs. Nita who comes to our house for an hour every Thursday morning. Abree loves Mrs. Nita who has become known as “Pita” at our house. When we say “Pita is coming” Abree will go watch and wait at the front door for her and as soon as she sees her car pull up, she begins to dance around and shouts, “Pita coming, Pita coming!!” She loves Mrs. Pita!!! We are working on beginning and ending sounds of words and naming animals and household objects. Mrs. Nita is very proud of Abree’s progress in just a few short weeks!

On September 7th, we took another trip to the Arbuckle Wilderness Drive-Thru Safari to celebrate Cousin Grace’s 8th birthday. This time, we took the seats out of the van and drove with the doors open most of the time so the kids could get up close and personal with the animals. Abree was still a bit apprehensive, but she enjoyed the trip much more this time than she did in July.

We were so fortunate to visit Chuck E. Cheese’s twice this month! We went on August 29th to celebrate Sister Bria’s adoption day and then again on September 19th just for fun. On the first trip, Abree did not want to ride any rides or do much—she was a bit overwhelmed! But, by the second trip she was all about it—riding rides, playing games, and having a great time!!

Abree has had lots of fun golfing with dad while the kids are at school. She takes along her big plastic clubs and plays right along side her Daddy. When she finally manages to get the ball in the hole, she yells, “I did it!” with her hands held up high in the sky!

Our final fun of this past month was a WONDERFUL trip to the Oklahoma State Fair yesterday. Abree was able to ride several rides with the kids and she LOVED them! She would smile and giggle the entire time and when the ride was over she would say, “again, again.” She enjoyed her first State Fair corndog and I’m sure it will not be the last—she loved it!! I think she could have stayed at the fair all night!

We never imagined how much joy and laughter this precious girl could bring to all of us. She is a blessing beyond words!!! We look forward to the months and years ahead as we watch her continue to learn and blossom and enjoy each and every new experience! What a privilege and honor to be her family!!!!!

Climbing to the top of Mount Scott
. . . Daddy's little buddies!

Feeding a Prairie Dog in the Wildlife Refuge

The first time she was brave enough to sit by Chuck E Cheese--still wouldn't ride though . . .

Wow!! So Beautiful!!!

The girls . . . in our African dresses

Arbuckle Wilderness Drive-Thru Safari with
Cousins Jake, Hayley and Grace

Golfing with Daddy . . . "I did it!"

Riding Rides at Chuck E Cheese with Big Sister--So Fun!

Riding Rides at the Oklahoma State Fair

She LOVES riding rides!!!!

My 1st State Fair Corndog
. . . I'm sure there will be many more to come!

We Love Bath Time!!!!

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