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We're Home
June 11, 2009  |  June 20, 2009  |  July 8, 2009  |  August 13, 2009  |  September 22, 2009  |  October 31, 2009  |  November 24, 2009  |  December 21, 2009  |  January 8, 2010  |  February 12, 2010  March 22, 2010  |
April 22, 2010  May 14, 2010  May 15, 2010   June 30, 2010 

May 14, 2010

We have had another blessed month! We received an email from Romana, the Director of Beacon House in Ghana and she has a little girl in mind for our family…WOW! We are super excited and have already completed our home study visit on May 3rd. We are collecting paperwork and in full swing of the paper chase phase. What a blessing…another precious daughter!!!

Abree completed her developmental testing and she did not qualify for further services, which is great! She is doing so well and can carry on complete conversations. She keeps us laughing all the time! She is becoming a bit bossy (I’m quite sure she learned from the best, Bossy Bria.)

On April 24th we went for a fun day at Lake Arcadia. We played on the playground and went bike riding. The kids had a great time! The following weekend, on May 1st Abree, Bria and I went to a Mother Daughter banquet at church. We ate great food and enjoyed a special date together! I love my girls!!!!!!

Our next adventure was a family vacation to Branson, Missouri from May 5-9th. We had a wonderful time! We took cousin Grace with us and the kids had a blast! We stayed in a cabin that was similar to Little House on the Prairie with a loft for the kids (but we did have electricity and running water of course).

Our first vacation stop was to Ride the Ducks where we were able to ride on a WWII amphibious vehicle that took us on a land and water tour. The kids’ faces when we went driving into Tablerock Lake were priceless! Each of the kids were able to drive the Duck when we were on water…they were so excited!! Our next fun stop was to a dinner show, The Dixie Stampede. We ate wonderful food and enjoyed a fun competitive dinner show with horses of all kinds.

The following day we went to Silver Dollar City all day and rode lots and lots of rides. Abree loved all of the rides, but she especially loved the swings, the elephants, the caterpillars, and the hopping frogs.

The next day we went back to Silver Dollar City for the morning and early afternoon and rode more rides. So fun!! That evening we went to the Showboat Branson Belle for a fun dinner cruise and show. The kids were amazed at the size of the huge boat! While we were eating we were able to watch a hilarious ventriloquist dog show. Abree was laughing out loud the entire show…it was adorable! Needless to say, we had an amazing time on vacation and made lots of wonderful memories!

We are gearing up for Abree’s 3rd birthday party tomorrow. She is so excited because her “best friend” Elmo is coming to her party! We cannot believe our baby is turning 3 and she has been home almost a year—how time flies!

Fun Bike Ride at the Lake

Mother-Daughter Banquet

Branson--Ride the Ducks

Driving the Duck!!

The Dixie Stampede--So Fun!!

Our Cabin

Silver Dollar City

My Favorite Ride!

The Showboat Branson Belle

First Experience with Ice Cream Truck

The Basinger Band

Fun Date at a Tea House

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