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Friday, February 12, 2010

This month has been very special! We have been able to make new life long friendships with a precious family from Ghana. In December, I was searching for someone to style Abree’s hair and God led us to the Manison Family. When I called to ask about an appointment, I heard this beautiful accent on the other end of the phone. I asked, “Where are you from?” and she responded, “GHANA.” I was SO excited and so was she once I told her our story. Abree sat still like an angel for 2 ½ hours on January 9th to receive her very first hairstyle, and was it ever SO cute!! We were all amazed that she was able to sit without any tears for the entire 2 ½ hours! She received her second hairstyle on February 5th and she was a perfect little girl for the entire time again! She is a GOOD girl!!!!! Abree loves to swing her head from side to side to feel her hair move—it is so cute!

On January 12th, we went to dinner with Aunt Julie and Uncle Bud and the kids to celebrate Aunt Julie’s birthday. Abree loves her Aunt Julie! She loves to be held by her, and always seems to fall asleep on Aunt Julie’s shoulder…so sweet!

On January 16th, we went to Chuck E Cheese’s to celebrate Big Brother Kaden’s 7th birthday. Abree had so much fun playing games with her Sissy, Ashlyn, and eating cake and pizza with Kaden and his friends. After the party, she had a great day of playing with her friends Tyler, Alex and Aubree! Later that day, Nanny came to stay for a few days to help us continue celebrating Kaden’s birthday. What a great weekend with such special people!!

On January 20th, we went to Incredible Pizza with Uncle Bud, Aunt Julie and the kids. Abree was able to go bowling for the first time, play lots of games, and ride a train! Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

On Sunday, January 24th, we were blessed to have the Manison family join us for church and then lunch at our house after church. Mrs. Angie brought Jollof rice, a traditional Ghanaian dish that was wonderful!! We had a great afternoon of visiting and learning more about Abree’s culture. What a tremendous blessing that God has brought our families together!!

On January 28th, we received our 2nd big snowstorm of the season. It was beautiful!! We stayed inside most of the day playing and cooking up yummy little cakes in the girls’ Easy Bake oven. Abree really got into being a “chef.” We made a little cake for each of us, and we used food coloring to make all different colors of icing. We topped each cake off with fun sprinkles—Yummy!!

The snow continued through most of the day on January 29th. We went to the big hill in our neighborhood while the snow was still falling and had a fun afternoon of sledding with Aunt Julie, Uncle Bud, Hayley, Jake, and Grace. Abree LOVES the snow!!!

We were a little stir crazy from the snow, so we decided to get out on the 30th to go watch a movie. We went to The Princess and the Frog and we all enjoyed it! In the beginning of the movie, Princess Tiana is a little girl. When Abree saw her on the big screen, she said, “Mom, that’s Abree!” It was so cute!

February 5th was a very special day to our family. It was on that day a year ago that the judge in Ghana granted Abree’s adoption, so she has officially been in our family for one year now! We went to Build a Bear Workshop that evening and Abree made her first Build a Bear animal. She picked (all by herself) the frog—likely influenced by the Princess and the Frog movie. She then picked out a cute little pajama set all by herself that had tiny frogs on it. I was impressed that out of all the clothes there, she picked the only one with frogs on it. We had a great time and made fun memories!

The next day, we were fortunate enough to go to Abree’s friend’s birthday party at a huge inflatable party place, Bouncin Craze. We were not sure how Abree would react to the huge inflatables, but she did not even skip a beat. She climbed up on the largest slide there and went right down. She was fearless! She also went through several fun obstacle courses! She LOVED it!!!

Abree is doing so well developmentally!! She is now counting to eleven and she can sing Jingle Bells. She will sing, “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way. Oh wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha, HEY!!” It is adorable! She is also trying to sing her ABC’s. She has the tune down so you can follow what she is trying to say, but lots of it you cannot understand. At the end she yells “Elmo.” I’m not sure where that came from, but it is cute nonetheless! She is saying 5+ word sentences and talking so good! Her speech therapist does not think she will qualify for services once she turns three because she is progressing so quickly. Smart girl!!!

We are looking forward to the weeks ahead. We are so excited to celebrate Abree’s first Valentine’s Day with her, and we are really looking forward to a fun visit from Abree’s friends Kiana and Maddy. We are going to celebrate Kiana and Abree’s first Adoption Day on the weekend of February 19th. We can’t wait!!

My 1st Hairstyle...Adorable!!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Julie! I love you!!!

Fun Playing Games at Chuck-E-Cheese's with Big Sister Ashlyn!!

Nanny's Girls!! Nanny came to celebrate Kaden's Birthday.

Bowling at Incredible Pizza--she LOVED it!!

A True Easy-Bake Chef...so Cute!

More Snow...More Sledding!! Happy Girl!

At the Movies...Princess and the Frog

1st Trip to Build-a-Bear...Giving the animals a shower!

Learning from Big Sister Bria...So precious!

Having a Great Time at Bouncin Craze--She was Fearless!!

Our Happy Angel!!

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