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In China
July 19-20  |  July 21  |  July 22  |  July 23  |  July 24  |  July 25  |  July 26 July 27  |  July 28  |  July 29  |  July 30  |  July 31  |  August 1

Our Itinerary

July 19th – Leave for Beijing

July 20th – Arrive in Beijing

July 21st –Visit TianAn Men Square, Forbidden City and the Great Wall

July 22nd – Fly to Guangzhou and get ready to meet Sadie

July 23rd – Travel to civil affairs office to meet Sadie

July 24th – Adoption Day

July 25th – Travel to police station to apply for Sadie’s passport
July 26th – Free day

July 27th – Visit Family Chen’s Temple and SunYat-Sen’s Memorial Hall

July 28th – Medical check-up and paperwork

July 29th – Visit Shamian Island for Sunday sermon

July 30th – Visit Guangzhou Zoo

July 31st – Visit U.S. consulate to take oath

August 1st – Go to U.S. consulate to get Sadie’s visa and travel to Hong Kong

August 2nd – Leave Hong Kong and return home!

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