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We're Home
August 2012  |  October 2012  |  August 2013

August 2012

Praise the Lord! We have returned home safely. The children all were fantastic on the return flights home and although it felt like it would never end, the trip from Hong Long to Chicago was as pleasant as we could have asked for. The flight from Chicago to Lexington was over in a blink of an eye, and for all of you UK basketball fans out there, we even got to sit in front of Terrence Jones. Sadie slept for at least half of our flight time and was pretty content during her waking hours. What a blessing!

We were greeted with lots of love from family and friends at the airport and we can't express how much we appreciated everyone's love and support throughout this journey. It's so good to be home.

Some final thoughts . . .

Though this trip has ended, our journey is just beginning. We ask for prayers that our return to normalcy can be a smooth transition and that our children's return to school next week will go well as we all try and adjust to the time change again.

We are so thankful for all of the people who have touched our hearts during this trip. From our family and friends, clients and customers, the other adopting families we got to know, and for people we have never met that have been kind enough to follow us on this journey and send us their encouraging thoughts and prayers.

We pray for Sadie's parents. We do not know their circumstances other than that of the "one child rule" of China, but we ask for peace in their hearts that they should know Sadie will be loved and cared for to the best of our ability.

We have decided that we are not world travelers.

Once again, we thank everyone for their prayers, encouragement, and generosity. We want to especially thank our parents for their help in preparing our home for our arrival and running all of our errands as we unpack and try to organize our lives for the five of us!


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