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August 2012  |  October 2012  |  August 2013

August 2013

It is incredible to think it has been one year since we returned from China as a family of five. We find ourselves longing for time to slow down to appreciate the moments we get to spend together. This has truly been a year of blessings for us. Sadie has brought so much joy to each of us in our daily lives. She loves her brother and sister and they cannot get enough of her. Carson has continued the special bond they had from day one and Lindley has been such a loving big sister. We are so proud of them and could not do it without their help.

We have had a busy, but fun filled summer with many trips to her Nana's house and her pool. Sadie is a water rat! She absolutely loves the pool and has already started jumping off of the diving board. Probably her second favorite thing to do is go on bike rides with her dad. Every time we pull in the garage, she walks over to his bike and says "bike ride!" We had the honor of celebrating Steve's parents' 50th wedding anniversary in Perrysburg, which was a great opportunity to introduce Sadie to family and friends we don't get to see very often. As those who have traveled to China for their adoptions already know, that trip is definitely NOT a vacation, but what we really miss is the closeness each of us shared during our journey. We have tried to fit in some time for "just us" this summer, so we took a long weekend and went to St. Louis. We had taken Carson and Lindley several years ago and had a great time as there are so many family-friendly things to do. Sadie is so happy-go-lucky and traveled so well, we are looking to take a trip to the beach this fall.

Carson will be entering the eight grade this fall and has had an eventful summer, as well. He has gone water skiing, learned to SUP (stand-up paddleboard), and has enjoyed time with his friends. He has also gone on his first mission trip with the youth group at church. They traveled to Birmingham, Alabama and served for a week in the community. He got the opportunity to meet other youth from North Carolina and really connected with a few of them as they worked their assignments. We are proud of his heart to serve and he is looking to go on an international trip next year.

Lindley will be going into fourth grade and is looking forward to another year of school. She too has enjoyed the pool this summer and has really tried to improve as a swimmer by swimming laps in virtually every pool she gets in. She has had the unfortunate experience of having a good friend and neighbor move away this summer. That has been very difficult as they would play together most every day. She just got back from her first overnight church camp and had a great time with new friends. She will be starting back up with gymnastics this fall and possibly start cheer-leading, as well. Lindley has also begun training with her dad to compete in her first 5k race this September. We are so thankful for Lindley as she is such a big help with Sadie.

We would like thank all of our friends and family who surround us with love and support. We could not do it without you! We do not know what God has planned for us next, but for now we give him the glory for all of our blessings. What an amazing year it has been!

Going to church

Big brother Carson and Sadie

Sweet sisters!

Sadie's 2nd Birthday

Fun at the park

Celebrating the one-year anniversary of our "Family of Five Day"

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