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We're Home
August 2012  |  October 2012  August 2013

October 2012

It is hard to believe, but we have been home with Sadie for two months. She has fit right in with our active family and it is like she has been with us her whole life. We have pretty well adjusted back to our work and school schedules as Sadie has made it very easy on us. She is such a happy-go-lucky little girl and always has a pleasant demeanor. She is truly a blessing in our lives and we thank God for her every day.

We took Sadie to see Dr. Taylor, the head of the International Adoption Medical Clinic at the University of Kentucky, to run some blood work and see the physical and occupational therapists. Developmentally she seems to be on track with other children her age, which is wonderful. We were told to expect some delays for the time she spent in the orphanage. We are grateful that she must have been pretty well cared for. Her blood work all came back normal and she was given a clean bill of health.

We could not be more proud of Carson and Lindley. They have been a great help to us and have been loving and attentive to Sadie. They have continued the bond that was established in China and are always eager to play with and care for her. Our kids love being outside playing with the neighborhood kids and Sadie is right there with them.

As we develop new routines and normalcy in our daily lives, we can't help but feel a sense of melancholy for our time together in China. We hope to always be able to feel the same closeness and dependence on each other. The more time that passes, the more we relish the experience and want to hold on to those memories. But as we all know, life can be put on hold for only so long. Emily and her business partner, Melissa, opened another store just 3 weeks before we left for China and we cannot thank Melissa enough for keeping everything up and running.

Carson is involved in the church youth group, takes Tae Kwon Do, and is getting ready for winter baseball training. Lindley is progressing very well in gymnastics, is finishing up her fall softball season, and has started being an acolyte at church. Sadie has a wonderful babysitter and looks forward to seeing her friends every time she is there. She is never one to complain when we have to run here and there or spend the afternoon at the ball fields for one of Lindley's double-headers.

As for us, we are adjusting to being parents of three. Again, Carson and Lindley have been a great help, but it has been a challenge to incorporate a toddler to our busy lives. Sometimes we forget to budget the extra time it takes to get everyone ready for school or church, or whatever else is at hand. So unlike in China, when we were early for everything, we are always seeming to try and play catch-up, but we'll figure it out soon enough. Our running and training has definitely slacked off since we left, but Steve has managed to finish 2nd in a 5k and complete a 27-mile mountain bike race. Sadie loves to ride on her daddy's bike, so she will surely be a part of his training in the months to come.

Everyone is looking forward to sharing some of our family traditions with Sadie as the holiday season approaches. We are all excited to show her the pumpkin patch, introduce her to mom's famous bread, our nightly reading during Advent, and traveling to see family and friends for Christmas.

We would like to thank everyone for your unbelievable kindness and generosity for your time and gifts. We are truly humbled by this experience and feel very blessed to be surrounded by such amazing friends and family.. If you would like to keep up with us, feel free to find us on Facebook where we will periodically post pictures and videos. If you haven't done so already, please sign the guestbook so that we can share with Sadie all of the love that you have shared with us.

Sadie getting to know her new home.

Sending Lindley off for the first day of third grade.
(Just 4 days after returning from China!)

Sweet sisters!

Sadie's first outfit from her mom's store.

Loves loves loves Nana's pool!

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