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Our Family

Our adoption journey starts May 19, 2006, when we took our son Carson out to lunch after his 6-year old check-up to the doctor. We were sitting in Fazoli’s discussing how we felt that our family was not quite complete. After 2 difficult pregnancies, we were not sure we wanted to go through another. Just then, a mother with two natural children and an adopted daughter from China came into the restaurant. We looked at each other and said, “We could do that!”

That was the first whisper from God that he had a plan for us. In the coming weeks, his voice became louder and clearer and we decided this is what we needed to do. We contacted our adoption agency and started the process. The expected wait, at the time, of 12-16 months seemed like a long time. Little did we know that 6 years would go by before we would get to meet our daughter. Through all of our doubts and worries, we still felt that we were doing the right thing. With the support of our family and friends, we are so excited that it is time to finally receive God’s blessing to our family!

Our Family in 2006

Carson 2006

Lindley 2006

Our Family in 2012

Carson 2012

Lindley 2012

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