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In China
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July 19-20, 2012

Our 3:00am alarm clock started our journey to Sadie. We arrived at the mostly empty Lexington airport with plenty of time for our 6:00am departure to Chicago when at check-in we were informed that our flight was cancelled. Not the way we wanted to day to start, but another airline had just enough empty seats to accommodate us and get us to Chicago for our nice long 6 hour layover. The flight to Beijing went off without a hitch. We were worried about the kids on the 13 1/2 hour flight, but they were both champs and did remarkably well. No sleep for mom and dad on the plane however, so our arrival into Beijing was less than energetic. A frantic taxi ride to the hotel, a walk to the supermarket for necessities, and a quick stop at Pizza Hut ended our day. Hoping for some good rest tonight to be ready for sight-seeing in the morning.

Hoping this was not a trend we would see on our trip.

Carson and Lindley killing 6 hours at O'Hare.

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