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In China
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Saturday, July 21, 2012

After a somewhat restful night sleep and breakfast, we were prepared for our day touring Beijing. We started out at Tiananmen Square and then the Forbidden City. It was another warm and muggy day and the crowds were enormous. Our guide explained to us that it was summer break for the students and more families come to visit causing the increased traffic. The crowds were a little difficult for the kids, but we made it through and had a few laughs as some high school students were enamored with Carson and Lindley.

From there, we drove past the Birds Nest on our way to the Great Wall. After quick tour of the Cloisonné factory, where handmade enamel wear has been since the 1400's, we had our first authentic Chinese meal, which consisted of rice and French Fries for the kids. We shopped and made a few purchases and then went to head out for the Great Wall. We were greeted with buckets of rainfall. We all threw on ponchos and bought umbrellas. We told the kids that this was only chance and let's just suck it up and take it all in. Despite the heavy rain, we proceeded to climb to the top of the wall. It is truly an amazing scene. We only wish the visibility could have been a little better to capture the magnitude of the surroundings. The kids were troopers through the entire day and we are so proud of them. After battling 40 miles of bumper to bumper traffic, we made it back to the hotel, ordered some KFC, and prepped for our departure to Guangzhou in the morning. Exhaustion has set in once again and we hope we can be well rested as we are only 2 days away from meeting Sadie.

Tiananmen Square

Outside the gates of the Forbidden City

Inside the Forbidden City

Lindley's first attempt at chopsticks

Someone's not happy about the rain at The Great Wall

Carson hanging out on The Great Wall

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