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In China
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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Remember the rain we mentioned yesterday? Well, as it turns out, that was the most rain Beijing had gotten in one day in over 60 years. Consequently, our flight was canceled because every flight scheduled for yesterday afternoon and evening was canceled. Our guide got us on another flight 2 hours later, so we checked in and said goodbye to Allison, who was a great help to us in Beijing. As our 10:00 boarding time approached, they delayed our flight indefinitely. Two hours later, we boarded and off we went. Carson was extremely patient, but we could tell Lindley was not doing well. As it turns out, she started getting a fever and was feeling worse and worse as time went on. She is a very tough girl and she hung in there for us, but it was a very stressful time for our family. Once we landed, we found our guide and traveled to the hotel.

The China Hotel is beautiful and Guangzhou looks to be a great city. We checked into our room, put Lindley in the bed to rest, and started to unpack while Steve and Carson explored the area. We have come across several families with newly adopted children here at the hotel and they all seem to be doing well. We hope and pray that is the case for us, too. The challenges keep coming, though as we hope antibiotics and Motrin can help Lindley feel better quickly. Secondly, a typhoon is on its way. Our guide, Molly, says we are far enough inland that we will just get a lot of rain (again).

Tomorrow morning, we can spend at our leisure. We leave for the Civil Affairs office at 2:00, so if all is well, we may go out to eat for lunch for the last time as just a family of four. The nerves are starting to set in and the anticipation is palpable. Hoping for a good night's rest and to continue to adjust to the time difference.

Beijing Airport. Those smiles didn't last long.

The view form our hotel room in Guangzhou.

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