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In China
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Friday, July 27, 2012

Finally, the rain subsided and we could venture outdoors for some much needed open air activities. We toured the Guangdong Folk Arts Museum and were just fascinated with the different styles of artwork and the intricacy of their creations. At the museum, the kids found themselves the subject of many interested onlookers and were greeted on several occasions by school girls wanting their picture with them. They got a kick out of it and we had a good time watching them get the attention. I know they have loved Sadie and adore her, but it was nice to see them be the center of attention, also. Another great blessing of the day is Lindley seems to be back at full strength. Her smile has returned to its full brilliance, and her voice has almost fully recovered. It's great to see her start to enjoy the trip and be able to fully interact with Sadie.

We also wanted to thank everyone for signing in our guestbook. We look forward to reading all of the heartfelt words of encouragement each day as we are missing home more and more. Please continue to pray for us as there are challenges still ahead. We have had a good time meeting some of the other adopting families and have gotten to know them pretty well. A few were supposed to start their return trip home today, but a problem with the U.S. Consulate has delayed their visa and they need to stay an extra few days. We are praying for them as they too are anxious to get home, but are also concerned with our visit to the U.S. Consulate on Tuesday, and that these issues will be rectified.

Sweet smiling Sadie!

Big Bro & Sis

The boys out in front of the
Guangdong Folk Arts Museum

Healthy again!

The Sevits 5


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